Wednesday, May 28, 2008

How To Inspire Yourself

By Jennie Gandhi

Staying motivated is an integral part of life. Else it can roll you to the foot of the hill and you will not even realize it. Going with the flow is an equation people draw up in life. And stick to their formula till the water has dried up in the pond.

Then suddenly they realize that their life has passed by and they have not been able to make something out of it. Another reason why people take up the equation is because of failure. They tried to do something in life but it failed. So they do not want to take that step again. A teacher once in school said, that failure is a stepping-stone to success. Walt Disney is a classic example. He went bankrupt before he could initiate Disneyland. Henry Ford too got broke 5 times before he actually started his business venture.

The first thing to feel motivated it to be with peace with yourself. Don't draw up the inadequacies in you. Instead look at the advantages. Then look into the mirror everyday and say, "I can do it." No task is impossible if you believe in yourself.

There are times when family members or close friends look down on your idea and tell you switch it off. But if you believe in yourself, there is no harm trying. Instead of plunging in completely begin completing a smaller task. So if you want to open a business in fabrics. Get yourself the know-how of fabrics - Indian & international, the spend, the manpower required, the logistics and all the details. If you are not in the industry, then take up a job so that you get hands on approach. Partner with someone of your calibre and begin a few transactions. The satisfaction your work will earn you is far more leveraged than sitting and idealizing.

Here are a few pointers to push you off the couch.

*Value what you are thinking and are about to do. Do not look at it as just another thought. If you believe in yourself then value your idea.

*See yourself doing what you want to. So if it is flying a plane then visualize yourself in the cockpit, taking the plane up and soaring the skies.

*Find some motivation and inspiration through quotes or senior people who look up to you.

*Reward yourself every time you have achieved a small target. This way you will be happy with small things that you accomplish.

*Partner with friends or associates who you think will be best to begin the venture. If they are on the same wavelength as yours then the goal will not seem too far.

*Forgiving and forgetting - this is very important if you have not been able to achieve your dream. Agreed, you have burnt your fingers but take it as a learning step. So forgive yourself and others. Forget the episode. Begin on a fresh page.

In today's stressful life apart from hard work one also needs inspiration to succeed in the task thus good.<> and<> can help to achieve success in life. As for the stress one has to go through there are many<> courses conducted that can could help you ease out.

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Controlling Your Mind Power - No Need To Worry About Failure

By Harold L Lowe

There is no failure gene in your DNA, so there is no need to worry about it. Just imagine, your mind is a goal-seeking, goal-achieving part of you, and it carries out those operations in a machine-like manner. You can never fail in your efforts to master the power of your mind, but you must persist.

Here is why. The portion of your mind that we are referring to here has as its sole responsibility seeking out and achieving the goals you direct it to seek out and achieve. That is all it does, day and night. It never rejects or counters any of your directions.

Please do not confuse the goal-seeking, goal-achieving area of your mind with the self image. This goal-seeking, goal-achieving area never argues whether your directions are for your good or not. It never moralizes your directives to it. It simply accepts your directions, achieves what you direct, and brings it into your physical world.

"If this is true," I hear you ask, "why am I getting so many unwanted things in my experience? Surely I did not direct my mind to bring this stuff to me." I would have to agree with you to a point. You probably did not consciously direct your goal-seeking, goal-achieving mind to bring a shortage of money, illness or other misfortunes into your life.

However, when was the last time you consciously gave ANY directive to your goal-seeking, goal-achieving mind? Do you ever remember doing it? When was the last time you paid conscious attention to what you are consistently thinking all day and all night? Have you ever done such analysis?

If you are like I was and like most people are, you probably have never paid much attention to what you are thinking on a daily basis over an extended period of time. Your mind is likely running on automatic pilot, with the exception of the few times you are shaken into awareness to deal with some urgent matter.

What is your goal-seeking, goal-achieving mind doing when you leave your mind to run on automatic pilot? Well in the absence of your consciously giving it goals (directions), it simply analyzes its subconscious surroundings for the most emotionally charged goals it has achieved for you before (whether wanted or unwanted).

Whether you previously gave conscious directives to it to materialize those goals is of no importance to it. It selects them, based on your state of being and delivers the associated conditions to you.

There may be hundreds or even thousands of those pre-set conditions in your subconscious mind awaiting a signal to join forces with the goal-seeking, goal-achieving portion of your mind to produce the experiences with which they are associated.

The point of all of this is that you are now in possession of the only fool-proof, fail-safe, and perfect success system in existence, your goal-seeking, goal-achieving mind! Your task, if you choose to accept it, is to clearly communicate to it what you desire to experience.

This I know for sure. You are the most miraculous of all living beings on earth. You are the owner of a mind that is so stupendous, that as you truly begin controlling your mind power and consciously using it, there is no dream that you can dream that you cannot achieve.

Harold L Lowe retired at age 62 when his six-figure income position was eliminated. He now wishes to share some of what he has learned since then and some of his experiences as well through articles. He is now studying The New Think And Grow Rich with the author, Ted Ciuba, a founding member of the World Internet Summit. To Claim A FREE Copy Of The Book That Inspired The Movie/DVD/Book, The Secret, Go To:

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Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Moving Forward By Conquering Your Fears

By Cherrie Bautista

A powerful leadership coaching program I've been to made me aware of how people sometimes sabotage their own success with their own fears or limiting beliefs. One form of limiting belief is an inner voice that keeps telling us we're not good enough no matter what we do, or how much we try. This is a part in us that resists change or keeps us from accomplishing our goals.

This inner voice is very powerful and creeps up on us from time to time, like somebody who would just come to you with an unsolicited self improvement advice. Limiting beliefs cloud the way we see ourselves and prevents us from taking action. People often miss opportunities because of this nagging inner voice.

So how can we get past this powerful inner voice's control?

Understand that this inner voice is the embodiment of a belief system that was created in the past that talks to us like a little devil in the ear. We can take power from it by first becoming aware of it, and bringing it out into visibility. Simply recognizing it lessens its power.

Catch yourself when this inner voice is creeping up again. Giving it a name and telling it to take a hike every time it shows up will help you confront it and take control. I call mine "Grim" because every time Grim shows up, it zaps out all the confidence in me and makes me doubt myself. Growth coaching actually provides different techniques in dealing with limiting beliefs and taking control.

Now that you are aware of this nagging inner voice's existence, take the limiting belief it's representing and turn it into it's opposite which you believe is true for you. Then create an affirmation out of this and repeat it to yourself regularly. This will replace your old limiting belief with something that would help you move forward with your goals.

Then, imagine yourself already living out your goals or dreams. How would that feel to you? What would be different if you're already living your dreams? How are you letting your limiting beliefs or fears stop you from living your dreams? What do you want to do about it now?

Finally, believe in yourself --- in your capabilities --- and start taking action. People who keep taking action move closer to their goals compared to people who procrastinate or simply quit. Believing in yourself not only motivates you, but helps you persevere when the going gets tough.

So, how ready are you to finally conquer your fears and start living your dreams?

Cherrie D. Bautista, CEC, is Certified Empowerment Coach who is passionate about helping people transform into their most powerful potential and be their best. She offers growth coaching to people who want to overhaul their lives, reconnect with themselves, discover their passion and purpose so that they start living powerful, abundant, happier, and healthier lives. Her remarkable leadership coaching program includes a 3 day life potentials training, or a self-study law of being program that gets you starting on a new way of conscious living.

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Life Is What You Want It To Be

By Azmi Jahan

One of the things I learned throughout my college years is that you can decide who you want to be and no one can stop you. If you know how to apply the law of attraction to your life then life will go just as you want it.

In this materialistic world you can have anything your heart desires. If you just focus on what you want and throw away what you don't want then your thoughts will manifest to reality.
Don't think about what you don't want. A lot of people doubt the law because the stuff they don't want comes back to them and it's only because they think about that. When I look back at my childhood, the DVD player, the bike, the basketball, it all came to me only because I imagined that I had it. The law of attraction is amazing and with it we can literally change our lives and open up a good path for a promising future.

My plan is to become a medical doctor and I'm focusing on it constantly and I also plan to be financially secure so I'm thinking about money constantly. I want to be a great doctor as in being knowledgeable and I so I concentrate on that. I don't say "I hope" to get what I want; I say to myself "I know" to get what I want. So, it's easy and the key to it is focusing on it. I want to get into a med school so I look up the med school I want, and I focus on it constantly because I know that I will eventually get admitted to there.

Azmi J. is a prospective medical student. He is the owner of where he offers detailed advice of self improvement.

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Friday, May 2, 2008

Effective Ways To Stay Motivated

By Tony Jacowski

Some people don't give these situations a second thought and just wallow in misery. But what is important to think about is - was the situation so terrible that you just had to leave your job? Was this the only last chance you would ever have to prove your talent?

If the answer is no, then it is high time you get your life back on track and motivate yourself to achieve more.

Brace Yourself for the Hard Times

It is very natural to have times when everything is perfect and is working well, especially in your job. But then, not every day is the same - and there can (and will) be days when something will get you down and you will feel that achieving success is very difficult. It is in these situations that you will need motivation the most.

Motivation is something that should come from within. You might get inspiration from the achievements of others, but if you want to gain something, then you will have to be determined and go for it.

Achieving goals that you desire cannot be accomplished easily. You will have to work for it, to make it happen.

Self-Confidence a Must

Confidence is very important for motivating yourself. If you do not have confidence in yourself and your talent, then no one can help you. You must have faith in your abilities and the capacity to drive away the fear of failure. Being straightforward and clear in your actions helps; conversely, if you have goals that are undefined and fuzzy, then you will not be able to focus. The best advice is to know what you want to achieve. If you feel as if you are stagnating at work, then you should ask your supervisor to set measurable and defined tasks for you. If he or she is not forthcoming, you shouldn't hesitate in taking the initiative and help yourself. It's a proven fact that self-motivated people perform better.

Be proactive - try to be on top of everything at work according to your skills and abilities. It is essential to identify your weak points and work towards improving them. To do this, you can take classes that will help you improve your performance level and increase your market value. If you are able to get few certifications, it will help you gain confidence.

Negative criticism should be turned into positive, so that you become a source of inspiration for others. Success depends a lot on your thinking, positive or negative. If you brood over past mistakes and failures, you will definitely not be able to convert frustration into a positive driving force. You should be ready to take on new challenges and even if your current job is not motivating you, you can try out new options.

Who knows - you might get a better position, one that fulfills your desire.

Tony Jacowski is a quality analyst for The MBA Journal. Aveta Solutions - Six Sigma Online ( ) offers online six sigma training and certification classes for six sigma professionals including, lean six sigma, black belts, green belts, and yellow belts.

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