Thursday, July 31, 2008

Controlling Your Mind Power - Are You Ready?

By Harold L Lowe

Often when I ask people what do they really want to be different in their lives, I am surprised to hear them respond that they do not know what they want to be different. If I press them a bit, most come up with general answers like they would like to have more money, a better job, or a long-delayed vacation. When I then ask them why they think they do not have those things, they generally have a list of reasons. The number one reason is usually a lack of money.

Once the conversation turns away from what it is that they want to general topics, it is usually not very long before statements of negativity related to their circumstances creep into their comments. They seem to sense that I am picking up on the negative comments, and they will eventually say something that indicates that is just how the world is for them. For them, their life circumstances are all messed up. Yet, they do not know what it is that would clear up the mess for them.

Even though it causes me to pause briefly when people tell me they do not know what they want, I truly do understand. Most people get discouraged from seeking ways to fulfill their dreams and desires very early in life. Their dream-seeking is quickly turned into job-seeking by the apparent realities they observe in their environment. Once people get trapped in a paycheck to paycheck job situation, the demands of the job and of life in general make it less and less likely that they will allow themselves to be exposed to different life options.

Make no mistake about it, changing the course of your life is not to be taken lightly. My question to you is are you truly ready to do it? The good news is countless other people have made such a change. They took the same basic steps and used the same basic equipment that is at your disposal right now. They had to master their mind power. They had to learn how to change most of their habitual thinking patterns and align them with their new goals. In essence, they had to re-build their self images to conform to the new realities they decided to produce in their lives.

If you are ready to begin controlling your mind power but are in need of a starting point, here is an exercise that I found to be most helpful to me. Set aside some quiet time for your self, take out a few blank sheets of paper, draw a line down the middle of a sheet or sheets and begin listing on the left side of the page any beliefs, situations, habits and conditions that you can think of that you do not want in your life any more.

Be honest with yourself. This list is for your eyes only. You have had more than enough input or advice from others during your life. This exercise is about you working on your own individual life no matter how uncomfortable it might feel initially.

This I know for sure. You can claim or re-claim control of your own mind power. You are the most miraculous of all living beings on earth. You are the owner of a mind that is so stupendous, that as you truly begin controlling your mind power and consciously using it, there is no dream that you can dream that you cannot achieve.

Harold L Lowe retired at age 62 when his six-figure income position was eliminated. He now wishes to share some of what he has learned since then and some of his experiences as well through articles. He is now studying The New Think And Grow Rich with the author, Ted Ciuba, a founding member of the World Internet Summit. To Claim A FREE Copy Of The Book That Inspired The Movie/DVD/Book, The Secret, Go To:

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Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Self Motivation is the Best Motivation

By Bob Brahm

"Every artist was first an amateur."
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

And Michael Jordan was not born a star. He was also just another child who motivated himself to be what he is today. He missed many shots, he lost many games, and yet he came back again and again. As the saying goes, success is not about never falling, but getting up every time we fall. But the problem with many of us is that we just don't want to get up. We think that we are not like Michael Jordan, and that he is special while we are just common.

It is the internal demon that is our worst enemy, and he will try his best to make you not try again giving you all kinds of excuses, and you will give up. Then one day you will read a motivation article like this one and feel extremely motivated for a day or two. You even take a printout of motivational quotes and post them on your cubicle, use as a screensaver, and then you just go on with life. No amount of a motivational quotes or articles will help motivate unless you fight the internal demon and start self motivating yourself.

Here are a few steps for self motivation:

1) You should first accept the fact that no great men were born great, and they were just ordinary persons who worked hard and did extra-ordinary things. Unless you accept that all men are equal, and that some are better only marginally, your internal demon will always win and you will find it hard to get up every time you fall.

2) You should have trust in yourself.
Unless you learn to trust yourself, you will find it hard to try again after a failure. You must forget the fact that you failed once and dismiss that failure as a random occurrence. It will help to remember that every great men failed many times before they began to suceed.

3) Be well prepared.
Unless you are prepared, it is no point trying. Put in more effort in your preparation before you try again. If you are well prepared you have benchmark and even if you fail again, you will know where to put your efforts in next time.

4) Be willing to change.
To be successful one must be willing to change, and once you are willing to change, you must be prepared to change.

5) Do what successful people does.
Successful people does those things that most people don't want to do. One easy example is working hard, or respecting other person. You must make these things a habit, and when they become a habit, they will drive away your internal demons.

6) Practice makes one perfect.
And if you are are perfect, it will motivate you to get better and better, for perfection has no limits.

Bob Maintains a website on motivational quotes and an interesting collection of Inspirational Will Power Quotes, for self motivation. He also contributes to a blog on sayings and proverbs.

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Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Design Characteristics For the Future

By Essam Abu Awad

Is it possible for us to perceive the future? Is it possible for us to understand the design characteristics of the future? Of course we can!

We can do that if we change the way in which we perceive the present and future. To do this, we will need to transform ourselves from being mere observers to being initiators who fully use our creative potential to anticipate future needs and to develop solutions.

We may already know that the answer lies within ourselves, specifically, within our way of thinking about and evaluating the world. But theoretically, bridging the gap between theory and practice is difficult since our thinking is affected by traditionalism, dependency and waiting to adopt the results of others' experiments, rather than developing our own.

The real situation in professional design is quite different, for example in the fields of visual communication, multimedia, architecture, interior and industrial design. Similarly, all academic and professional institutions are responsible for their own production.

Any designer will be unable to produce adequate work if he/she is not essentially a creative being. A designer's productivity is also related to the environment in which they are working which must support the creative process at all stages of the product's design and manufacture. It is so important that the designer works within an environment that supports their vision, allowing them to anticipate and design for future needs on projects which are also supported with financial input and the necessary craftsmanship.

Politicians observe and analyse the world and then produce strategies to solve the problems they find. In design, we employ observation, analysis and strategic problem-solving as well. Our present, past and future are interconnected. Transformation of our present involves both observation of our current situation and extending our eyes towards the future and towards the vision we wish to achieve. Even if no-one has succeeded with these ideas before, we may still aim towards them. It is also necessary to be well-prepared, to have the correct tools, knowledge and learning in order to work towards our goals.

Confusion is caused by the amount of information that we deal with when observing the future and its constant changes: geographical information, economics, environmental issues, etc. For example, worldwide differences in climate, global warming, CO2 pollution, overcrowded cities, increased motor-traffic, air pollution, the increasing growth of the human population and it's needs. Life itself involves constant development in all fields! Yet, it seems that we ourselves are the source of these crises! Yes indeed we are and this is primarily because of our carelessness in failing to think positively about our future needs. So often we deal only with our immediate daily responsibilities and requirements, without anticipating the need to provide for the future.

The question is then: what type of role must the designer adopt to face these changes in our lives and our future requirements? The answer is simply: that the designer must allow his creative potential to interact with the environment to anticipate product needs and to create the best design for the future. The designer should not overload himself and his concepts with concern for the near past and the present. If we think about it, the distance between ourselves and source of our creative inspiration, our history and the present environment, is very small.

We should permit ourselves to positively create, understand and learn about the future language. This will be achieved through developing ourselves, our potential and expanding our knowledge. As designers, we need to be able to be innovative and creative, to think deeply about the present issues and relate these endeavours to the future. Creativity is not the place for fear, and we should not allow the fear to stop us being innovative and creative. Further, the aim of our design must be to produce a product that is useful with relation to it's intended function.

What we need is called Optimistic Futurism, it is the way towards confidence, transformation and creativity, Optimistic futurism will enable us to develop our technical potentials, skills, and enable us to deal with digital softwares and new technologies.

Optimistic Futurism is an attitude that will serve our creativity, as it is a logical solution and will not affect our ability to create and innovate. Indeed, a designer equipped with knowledge and experience will be a source of power, having the ability to control his production in a positive and useful way.

As much as our task is to deal with the future, we will be able to increase our creatively and innovation to achieve this end by adding self-belief and a desire to be forward-looking to the mix.

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Monday, July 28, 2008

Motivating Employees - What's Money Got to Do With It?

By Akhil Shahani

Are you under the impression that employees are happy only when you pay them more money? No! That isn't always true. Even though money acts as a major contributor to employee motivation, remember it is never the only way.

Many times bonus or commission checks are cashed, spent and forgotten very quickly. An alternative for motivating employees is to give gifts through a reward point system. This system enables you to award equivalent points instead of cash, which can be traded for gifts or a vacation. The advantage of a reward program is that it promotes individual performance and competition, while transforming the situation into a friendly contest! On the other hand, a cash reward invariably creates grudges in the minds of those that don't receive them.

Following are some of the other non-monetary ways of motivating employees in your organization.

Acknowledge their work: When your employees complete their task, recognize it and appreciate their achievement. It costs the company nothing, but is a major motivating factor, nonetheless. Simple things like a round of applause for a particular accomplishment will work wonders for motivating employees. You could also be more creative by awarding trophies or plaques for "Employee of the Month". Take a look at "365 Ways to Motivate and Reward Your Employees Every Day: With Little or No Money", an e-book for some good ideas.

Train them: Remember, training is not a one time process. Conduct training sessions on a regular basis, even though they consume time and money. Some alternatives do exist - for example, the "Five Star Teamwork Video Training Program" can be used for training your employees, without spending too much of either.

Provide growth prospects: Let your employees know of opportunities and areas of growth within your company. Set career paths and promote employees to higher levels by adopting a well laid out HR strategy. This will give them the assurance that they have a stable future within the organization.

Assign professional designations: Personal identity, competence, status and self esteem are all tied up with the job title. Hence, make sure that employees feel proud of who they are and what they do in the workplace. This will ultimately enhance their performance and increase your company's productivity. Use your creativity in forming titles and also welcome ideas from the staff while re-designing them.

Build team spirit: This is the most important way of motivating employees. Take a big photograph of your entire team along with yourself and put it up somewhere noticeable. This will instill team spirit in every employee and give them a sense of belonging.

Assign leadership roles: This will also enable you to share your workload. Most people are inspired by the thought of handling additional responsibility. For example, allow your employees to lead a training program or brief a meeting. This can be done especially when new people join the company. You could also give them an opportunity to lead a project team. Encourage them to read books like "How to Lead: Discover the Leader Within You".

Have fun: This ploy works like no other. If you already have an annual conference for all employees, make sure it's not all work and no play. Outbound programs or team games will do wonders for breaking the ice and building long lasting bonds between colleagues. These things stay in the collective memory, long after the event, and serve to motivate and energize.

We think that these ideas can set the ball rolling, but if you are looking for more, try the "Motivation and Energy at Work" program.

Hi, I'm Akhil Shahani, a serial entrepreneur who wants to help you succeed. If you like to work smart, check out It's full of articles and resources to help you start and grow your business successfully. Please visit us & download our special "Freebie of The Month" at

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Sunday, July 27, 2008

Be Beautiful - Make People Love You

By Yeo Teck Wei

"To be educated, a person doesn't have to know much or be informed, but he or she does have to have been exposed vulnerably to the transformative events of an engaged human life...One of the greatest problems of our time is that many are schooled but few are educated."

- Thomas Moore

An old, wise man once asked his disciples, which of the two was tougher, the teeth or the tongue. Without waiting for a reply the wise man replied it was the tongue, and opened his mouth for his disciples to witness the proof: There was no teeth left; only the tongue remained.

There are things in life we unconsciously take for granted, for example our parents' love, our spouse's commitment to us etc. Only when we lose it, do we then notice our loss and start to regret.

Life itself is unpredictable, but yet many fools spent their lifetime pursuing matters of transient value. Just as freedom is not free, life is not a right too; it is a privilege bestowed only on a lucky few.

Some people want to lead an extraordinary life. Ordinary life is too mundane, I crave for more excitement, they say. So used are humans in satisfying "I" that they tend to forget the feelings of their closed ones. But when a crisis strikes these people,

Who will fight for them?

Who will grieve for them?

Who will weep for them?

Alas, inevitably it is their closed ones who have been taken granted for so long.

Love, courage, compassion - These are the values that truly matter, but yet we don't work for it. It is as though people believed that they were entitled to love and concern ever since they were born. The truth is these people have not seen the true sufferings of life to know how hard life sometimes can be.

When loved ones leave us, they are not dead, for they will always be alive in our hearts. The biggest tragedy in life is not the loss of monetary wealth or health, but it is losing a loved one only when it is too late, for we will have no more chance to spend one more second with them.

Cherish what you have. Remember, a person who has truly matured is capable of thinking for other people than himself. That is the true beauty of life - How to overcome your own selfish needs, and help others instead.

The true meaning in life, is that through their actions and thoughts, people have proven to their loved ones they have finally been able to care for others, and thus the faith of love can continue to be passed down throughout mankind's history.

If a "good" life means one has to slog his guts out and spend all his time at work, then it is better to slow down the pace and lead an ordinary life, yet still able to help others at the same time.

The beauty of life should never be tainted by the stains of self-ego.

Be ordinary. Be beautiful.

"All my possessions for a moment of time."

- Queen Elizabeth

Article by Yeo Teck Wei, who is a freelance writer based in Singapore. Alll articles are usually written for the complete novice. For any comments or ideas, please email me @

For more articles, do visit me at and give me your vote!

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Saturday, July 26, 2008

Intrinsic Motivation is Its Own Reward

By Akhil Shahani

Intrinsic motivation defined.

Intrinsic motivation is defined as a state in which an individual is motivated by internal
factors, as opposed to external agents. In simple words, you just feel very strongly on the
inside about doing something!

Have you ever taken an action because you thought it was the right or ethical thing to do?
Have you ever taken up a cause you know will benefit others or just done something for
the sheer joy of it? Those are examples of intrinsic motivation at work.

While it is believed that intrinsic motivation is generally far stronger than extrinsic
motivation, there are cases when the opposite is true, and external considerations take
over. This is known as the "over justification" effect.

Okay, so we'll cut the jargon out.

Let's say you love the outdoors and spend most weekends trekking in the hills. You talk a
group of friends into it, and before you know it, you've got a reputation as a great
"adventure guide". So far, so good!

Soon, you're conducting little excursions for the overworked staff of firms in your part of
the world - and before you know it, that's a business you're running.

Would you still want to take your friends on a trip? Or have commercial considerations
done away with all that?

This happens often enough, and that's why experts believe that it is best not to seek
external rewards for actions where internal motivation is involved. Why fix something
that ain't broke, right?

At work in the workplace.

Intrinsic motivation has been widely studied by researchers in the realm of education
since the start of the 1970s. We'll quote some of their findings here since they apply
equally well to business situations.

It was found that students who are intrinsically motivated tend to perform better, make
higher grades and enjoy the learning experience more than the others.

A man named Bernard Weiner created a theory known as the "Attribution Theory" (sorry,
more jargon!). This theory is based upon how oriented people are towards their goals,
and their perception of the control they have over what happens to them!

When a person believes that he or she has control over circumstances, or is able to
influence outcomes, that belief gives rise to an intrinsic motivation to perform. This
theory has been proved with students, and there is no reason why it should not work for
business owners and their employees.

To draw a parallel, let your staff know that they play a key role in attaining their own
personal goals. Once they get rid of the lady luck fixation, they will have motivation from
within to work harder and better - not because you asked them to, but because they feel
it's the right thing to do.

From there on, it's a natural progression for them to try and excel at their given task,
simply for they pleasure of being good at what they do.

The beauty of this is that intrinsic motivation holds no promise of material reward as
opposed to extrinsic motivation, which is all about profit and gain.

For the greater good.

It is no surprise that those who are intrinsically motivated are also often altruistic. We
have all known the desire to help someone or contribute to the greater good of the
community, at some time or other. In fact, this is part of our philosophy at Aykya, and our
group companies support many charitable causes with diverse purposes. In those cases,
indeed, the action is its own reward.

Hi, I'm Akhil Shahani, a serial entrepreneur who wants to help you succeed. If you like to
work smart, check out It's full of articles and
resources to help you start and grow your business successfully. Please visit us &
download our special "Freebie of The Month" at

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Friday, July 25, 2008

The Secret of the Riches - Continuous Learning

By Razamith Sovereign

Everyone knows the magic of compounding. Even Albert Einstein was once amazed by the power of compounding and labels it as the eighth wonder of the world. But do you know that not just money but knowledge also can be compounded over time. Try gathering as much knowledge as possible in your early years. In time, your knowledge on a particular area will grow as you grow old.

For example, if you know a thing or two about computers when you are young, the knowledge will start to grow as you start to read here and there. You will also start to notice things related to computer even without trying. This is human nature that psychologist called Reticular Activating System or short 'RAS'.

Continuous learning is the absolute requirement for success in any field. The only moment in time when you are not learning is when you are dead. We start learning the moment we are born into this world. Everything that we venture for the first time has a learning curve. Whether they are playing sports, learning musical instruments or starting in a new job has its own learning curve. Successful people will always try to learn as much as they could in their new field and speed up their learning curve in order to become competent. A person who fails usually has fewer patients and tends to quit early. By staying focus and adopting a continuous learning attitude, you can excel in any field you choose as long as you can withstand the learning curve barrier.

Razamith Sovereign is undergoing his Masters in Engineering Business Management in University of Warwick, United Kingdom. A General Manager in a technology company, he provide useful advice through his articles that he have found very useful in managing his daily life. To find more articles on self improvement and motivation, please visit

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Thursday, July 24, 2008

The Most Important Lesson a Kid Can Ever Learn is Best Taught Physically

By Rick Osbourne

I contend that one of the most important lessons any kid can ever learn is what I like to call the "Oh yes I can lesson." Whether they're male or female, black, white, yellow, Christian, Muslim, Jew, Asian, European, African, tall, short, rich, poor, or middle class, if kids develop their natural born ability to believe in themselves and to relentlessly persist, odds are they'll learn to succeed, even in the face of life's most difficult challenges, despite a system that's specifically designed to relentlessly mass produce infinite waves of mediocrity, homogeneity, predictability, conventionality, and submission the status quo.

Show 'Em How

Now you may recognize this as the age old American adage that says "You can grow up to be President if you're willing to stick with it." But if this lesson is not delivered through practical, hands-on experiences (getting down in the mud and wrestling with the beast), it quickly becomes meaningless, adult doubletalk that goes in one ear and out the other for most kids. In other words talk is cheap. The trick is to show them how to walk the walk if you really expect them to believe in themselves and to live their lives accordingly.

Show 'Em Earl

Timing is also an extremely important consideration for the Oh yes I can lesson. In fact you have to get to them before they start school, because conventional school systems are so incredibly efficient at teaching kids the "Oh no you can't lesson."

You see school is specifically designed to pit kids against kids, expecting them to compete against one another for gold stars, teacher's praise, positions in the top reading or math group, who's the prettiest, who's the most athletic, who's the most popular, etc. By the time they're finished with first or second grade, most kids will have been thoroughly indoctrinated into the hierarchical mentality that sees the world in terms of a few winners at the top, the bulk of us (the masses) wrestling around in the middle, and a few stragglers (the kids term these days is losers) bringing up the rear.

Immunizing 'Em Against the Bell Curve

In educational circles it's called the bell curve, and whether it's anywhere near true, most educators are paid to believe it, and to conduct their classes accordingly. If not immunized against this problem before they enter school, kids easily fall pray to the bell curve mentality, and they become passive victims of the machine that's built to convince most kids that they're average or worse, and there's very little they can do about it.

Conventional educators are of little help because most of them have lived with the bell curve for so long that it's second nature. And once the labels are systematically imbedded it's very difficult for kids to break out of the conventional box and to recognize that the system itself is stacked against them, fatally flawed, if not fraudulent.

However, if you teach kids to think for themselves, to see the world through their own eyes, and to relentlessly persist despite the system, many kids will survive, and their odds of living meaningful lives (real winning) are enhanced a thousand fold. They'll effectively be immunized against the system instead of indoctrinated by it. But remember, one of the biggest keys is to teach kids the Oh yes I can lesson before sending them off to school.

At the Physical Level

The third issue then is how to teach them what you want to teach them. My suggestion is that most young kids are far more physically oriented than they are mentally or spiritually oriented. And it's one thing to tell kids to persist and win, and an entirely different matter to physically show them how to persist and win. This is true whether they're going to be athletes or first cello in the county orchestra. The name of the game in the early years is PHYSICAL!

How About an Example

Ok, how about an example of what I'm talking about here. I suggest that you choose a body weight exercise that's generally associated with being strong. You see all kids want to be strong at everything and weak at nothing. It's in their genes. Have you ever met a kid who wants to be weak at anything? I know I haven't. Once you've chosen the strength oriented body weight exercise, then you simply help your kids learn to master it.

For example, everyone that I know associates pull ups with strength, yet most kids today can't do pull ups. However, if you start them young, before they've had a chance to super-size themselves, most kids can learn to perform pull ups in a very predictable amount of time if they get the right advice and have access to the right equipment.

So consider the following scenario. Your son, daughter, or student
• is going to set a difficult to achieve goal (to be able to perform pull ups)
• is going to be given the right goal achieving information
• is going to be given access to the right goal achieving equipment
• they'll make a little bit of progress every single time they workout
• they'll be congratulated by peers and adults every time they progress (a great motivator!)
• they'll learn to look forward to the opportunity to grab hold of the bar and grow stronger
• within a few months they'll be able to do pull ups (they'll reach their goal)
• they'll be immunized against obesity, because kids who can do pull ups are never obese
• the more pull ups they can do, the leaner they'll be. (Ma Nature designed us that way)
• they will be physically strong in a way that will impress friends and relatives
• but most importantly they will have learned all the above, first hand, at the physical level
• in other words, they'll have a first hand, physical experience in learning to control (take responsibility for) their own body (the physical self)

Expanding the Oh Yes I Can Lesson

Once this experience has been well chewed, digested, and understood at the physical level it will naturally expand to include everything else in a child's life from the three R's, to their social (a positive self image is critical) and spiritual possibilities. With patience and relentless persistence, most children can reach almost any goal they set for themselves despite the system that's inadvertently working against them.

In simplest terms, if you don't think you can, you won't try. And if you refuse to try, failure becomes a predictable certainty. On the other hand, thinking you can always precedes genuine effort. Once under way, constant progress fans the motivational flames and keeps them burning brightly. And motivation is the fuel that feeds relentless persistence, the key to success.

Soaking it in Yourself

If you physically immunize your kids with the "Oh yes I can lesson," on the physical level before you send them to school, you'll do them the biggest favor possible. You'll teach them the most important lesson they'll ever persist, persist, and persist again.

In the words of the late British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, "Never, never, never, never, give up!" In the words of former Olympic mile champion and world record holder Herb Elliot, "You've got to be arrogant enough to think you can, yet humble enough to pay the price."

There's really no substitute for relentless persistence. And teaching this lesson to kids is one of the surest ways to relearn it yourself.

Ronald Reagan, Barack Obama, and the Oh Yes I Can Lesson

On the adult level, former President Ronald Reagan always maintained that his greatest achievement was to make the American people feel better about themselves in the wake of some pretty tough times. Ironically enough we currently have another guy named Barack Obama who's actively preaching the Oh yes we can lesson to Americans who are again wrestling with some pretty challenging times.

And just like their kids, American citizens who are convinced that they're helpless in the face of big money and big government, refuse to invest their limited time and effort into producing change. In other words they refuse to try. And those who refuse to try are the status quo's staunchest proponents. And they're easy to control, a dictator's dream.

The Best Time to Start is in Kindergarten

Democracy is completely dependent on citizens who believe that they must govern themselves and control of their own lives as opposed to being dictated to by autocratic bureaucrats. In this context, the Oh yes I can lesson lies at the very heart of American Democracy. And the best time to start learning it is in kindergarten. Carpe Diem.

Rick Osbourne is a Chicago based writer who currently serves as Executive Director of Operation Pull Your Own Weight, an informational web site that's dedicated to naturally immunizing kids against obesity for a lifetime without pills, shots, or special diets. If you're interested in childhood obesity prevention, then check out either , or , any time. Osbourne is also a public speaker, and he's recently published a book entitled "Operation Pull Your Own Weight: A Radically Simple Solution to Childhood Obesity," (on the web site) that provides practical minded parents and educators with a simple, functional, affordable, and infinitely measurable antidote to childhood obesity. Osbourne can be reached by email at

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Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Mastering Your Mind Power: Habits And Your Self Image

By Harold L Lowe

Your self image, you may recall, is the mental blueprint or mental picture you carry around. It is the self image that must be changed to gain or re-gain control of the power of your subconscious mind.

The self image consists of all thoughts, fears, phobias, actions, feelings, and behavior that you have accumulated and have been securely stored in your subconscious mind during your lifetime. From these various elements, your beliefs about yourself have unconsciously been formed. Your past experiences, including your successes, failures, humiliations, so-called constructive criticisms, and the way people have responded to us have all made contributions.

Much of what is stored in your subconscious mind was placed there in your early childhood, at a time when the frontal, reasoning part of your brain was not sufficiently developed to allow you to make decisions based on reason. By the time your brain was fully developed, you had formed many, many beliefs. It was from this sizable pool of beliefs that your self image (a picture or blueprint) was constructed. Over time belief after belief was added to this picture.

Remember, any idea, thought or image that is passed on to the subconscious mind becomes a belief, and any belief so formed, becomes your truth and is no longer open to question. Whether the belief is true or not, you simply act or re-act to your beliefs as if they were true!

Some of your beliefs grew out your personal experiences and include answers to questions like: Am I intelligent? Am I likable? Am I stupid? Am I a failure? Am I weak? Most beliefs, however, are internalizations of the judgments of other people, especially family, friends, and authority figures in institutions like schools and churches.

When you reached adulthood, there were hundreds or even thousands of infantile beliefs (truths) that had been added to your self image. During those early years, you were not encouraged nor allowed, in some cases, to use conscious reasoning as you negotiated your way through life. As a result, the self image took on more and more control of your thinking about and reactions to life.

Your self image had a reservoir of subconscious beliefs (truths) to draw upon in response to your life situations without your conscious involvement. It could simply repeat past responses to similar situations. These infantile beliefs are the truths that the self image used to control nearly every aspect of your life in adulthood. Its repetitive control gradually became deeply ingrained habit. Is it any wonder that life is such a struggle for you and most people?

As I have stated before, I believe the lack of a basic understanding of how the self image is formed and the control it exercises over our lives is the single greatest barrier to mastering your mind power and living more of the lives we desire. The self image, however, can be changed. New habits can be formed. You can change.

You are the most miraculous of all living beings on earth. You are the owner of a mind that is so stupendous, that as you truly begin mastering your mind power and consciously using it, there is no dream that you can dream that you cannot achieve.

Harold L Lowe retired at age 62 when his six-figure income position was eliminated. He now wishes to share some of what he has learned since then and some of his experiences as well through articles. He is now studying The New Think And Grow Rich with the author, Ted Ciuba, a founding member of the World Internet Summit. To Claim A FREE Copy Of The Book That Inspired The Movie/DVD/Book, The Secret, Go To:

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Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Never Give Up!

By Dr Kenneth Herman

Have you ever wondered why some people are successful, while others experience failure?

It might surprise you that every successful person has a long list of failures and rejections. J.K. Rowlings was rejected by 12 publishers before Harry Potter was published. Moby Dick took years to be accepted. The Beatles were initially rejected by Decca Records, before they went on to fame.

What can we learn from these examples? It could be said that failure and rejection are the forerunners of success. Before we succeed, we will fail many times.

In my book, "Secrets from the Sofa," I emphasize that it is crucial that you perceive of yourself as a capable person. Success is virtually guaranteed when a person focuses, keeps trying, and adjusts their approach until they get the results that they want.

When faced with adversity and rejection, many people will give up and quit. However, it is "trial and error" that helps us to discover what works and is effective.

That's why I'd like you to think of failures and mistakes as stepping stones to achieving your goal. It took Thomas Edison 1,000 tries to perfect the light bulb. He didn't consider those tries failures, because they were steps to achieving his goal. You should do the same!

When I coached baseball, I taught each child that he could be a good player if he put forth his best effort. Of course, some people are better ballplayers that others. However, a person who sticks with something (or preserves) is more likely to succeed.

Mistakes and shortcomings are an opportunity to improve. When we make a mistake, we understand what doesn't work. Henry Ford, the inventor of the Model-T Ford automobile, once said, "I've tried so many things that didn't work. I finally found something that works!"

When something doesn't work, there is no need to give up. What slight adjustment can you make, to get a different result? Perhaps you can try something different, or adjust your approach.

Failure is an opportunity to try again more intelligently. When you experience failure or rejection, learn from your experiences and come back stronger. Pick yourself up, change your approach (or try something different) and try again.

Today, I challenge you to boldly pursue your dreams. Decide in advance, to take every setback as a spur towards greater effort, knowing that you are getting closer and closer to your goals. And never, never, never give up on your dreams!

Dr. Ken Herman is a Clinical Psychologist with 45 years of experience counseling people from all walks of life. His new book, "Secrets from the Sofa" reveals practical ways to change and improve your life, so that you can be the best you can be. Download the first chapter of the book absolutely free at

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Monday, July 21, 2008

Mastering Your Mind Power; Do Affirmations Help Or Hinder?

By Harold L Lowe

Having made the declaration that you can never fail, I wish to be very clear. As you develop your plan for mastering your mind power, remember that your mind is a goal-seeking, goal-achieving, mechanical-like entity. It never seeks failure. It knows absolutely nothing about what you call failure.

It only knows how to materialize the emotionally charged goals (thoughts, images, and beliefs) that reside in your subconscious mind whether you consciously, deliberately placed those goals there or not. If you did not consciously place them there, someone else did!

When I began to consciously take more control of my mind power, I chose to use affirmations to implant my goals. Other methods for establishing goals were available to me. They included hypnosis, self hypnosis, as well as subliminal media, but since I desired to have as much conscious control of the process as possible, I chose affirmations.

When I began using affirmations, I was employed as a buyer in a public school district in northern California, earning less that $1,500 a month. I was motivated enough by a desire for more income to devise a 5-year goal of earning $35,000 a year.

I stumbled across some information that provided pictorial representations of my new goal which I cut and pasted unto a goal sheet. I then crafted three affirmations and began my goal-implanting program.

Needless to say, I got off to a very rocky start. Each time I repeated an affirmation, I almost immediately received what appeared to be a never ending stream of negative thoughts that indicated to me that I was wasting my time.

There was no one who previously held my position whose income had grown to my goal level in five years. In fact, I had heard of only a handful of people in my industry throughout the entire state that had done so and they usually had to re-locate to different areas of the state.

Those thoughts would usually carry over into my work day and into my leisure time as well. Since I did not see many options, I stuck with the affirmations and would do what I could to fight off the countering, negative thoughts.

A short time into my program, I learned that those negative, counter thoughts are called tail-enders. If those highly emotional tail-enders were not neutralized, they in fact became or re-established themselves as my true affirmations. Thus, more of the conditions they represented materialized in my experience.

In spite of the re-occurrence of the tail-enders, I was motivated enough to continue with the affirmations. I did not reach my $35,000 a year goal in five years. It actually took me just over six years, but my income leaped over the $35,000 goal to $37,500! I became sold on and a big believer in the help affirmations provide.

This I know for sure. You can claim or re-claim control of your own mind power. You are the most miraculous of all living beings on earth. You are the owner of a mind that is so stupendous, that as you truly begin mastering your mind power and consciously using it, there is no dream that you can dream that you cannot achieve.

Harold L Lowe retired at age 62 when his six-figure income position was eliminated. He now wishes to share some of what he has learned since then and some of his experiences as well through articles. He is now studying The New Think And Grow Rich with the author, Ted Ciuba, a founding member of the World Internet Summit. To Claim A FREE Copy Of The Book That Inspired The Movie/DVD/Book, The Secret, Go To:

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Sunday, July 20, 2008

Motivation is the Key to Performance Improvement

By Francisco Rodriguez Higueras

The motivation for behaviour may also be attributed to less-apparent reasons such as altruism or morality. Some authors distinguish between two forms of intrinsic motivation: one based on enjoyment, the other on obligation. There is currently no universal theory to explain the origin or elements of intrinsic motivation, and most explanations combine elements of Fritz Heider's attribution theory, Bandura's work on self-efficacy and other studies relating to locus of control and goal orientation.

Goals are of utmost importance in gaining personal motivation. Goal Setting is extremely important to motivation and success. Goal-setting theory is based on the notion that individuals sometimes have a drive to reach a clearly defined end state. Goals in the classroom: students' learning strategies and motivation processes.

Successful experience: It is the teachers' responsibility to help learners achieve academic success by providing challenging, yet attainable tasks. Success is measured on an individual basis, recognizing that it means different things to different students. As a result it includes a range of dimensions that are relevant to success at work but which are not conventionally regarded as being part of performance motivation. In both cases, most people are not optimally motivated, as many want a challenge (which assumes some kind of insecurity of success). What follows is a guide to motivation using what I've learned over the last few years in a series of successful accomplishments, goals and habit changes. I've had many failures, but also many successes, and I've learned a lot from all of them.

Positive attitude is a must for a successful learning atmosphere. There are all kinds of motivations, of course, from positive to negative. But I find that positive motivation works better - if it's something you really want to do, you'll do a much better job than to avoid something you don't want (such as being fired). Secondly, there is positive and negative motivation. So with extrinsic motivation out and negative motivation out, we're left with only one quadrant: Intrinsic positive. Create a happy, positive work environment and people are naturally motivated. No amount of "positive" encouragement can change that.

Motivation management was based on a study of all managers of training programs. Ability in turn depends on education, experience and training and its improvement is a slow and long process.

Here's what I think: In the extrinsic quadrants, the motivation is not really the thin in itself, but the reward or punishment associated with doing something. Second, the depiction reflects a widely shared assumption, one which forms part of the backdrop for debates about the nature of moral motivation, namely, that moral motivation is strikingly regular and reliable phenomenon. As already noted, regardless of their views with respect to broader met ethical questions, contemporary philosophers do not take any position on the precise strength of moral motivation-with the qualification (alluded to earlier) that they reject, apparently universally, the idea that moral motivation is ordinarily overriding.

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Saturday, July 19, 2008

Winning the Gold in Life

By Ronnie Nijmeh

There's not an event anywhere that brings numerous countries, cultures, and people together like the Olympics. Each country sends its best and brightest. These phenomenal athletes get to showcase their extraordinary gifts and talents on a worldwide stage. Every team and individual athlete displays the pride and spirit of their beloved homeland. The thrill of the games, the camaraderie of the team members, and the collaboration of the host country and all guest countries are moving and encouraging.

It is the spirit of the Olympic games that resounds in our minds and hearts. The energy that surrounds this historic event represents the determination and will, the letdowns and perseverance, and the triumphs and legacies of all who take part. This spirit is the essence of character, sportsmanship, exhilaration, and victory. And, inspiration, faith, and hard work are at the center of such a momentous occasion.

But most importantly, at the core of each athlete is the human spirit - the engine that drives one to greater achievement. And by engaging internal and external motivators, proper training, and adequate timing, we give it the license to move us. It's this kind of energy that is needed in our work and personal lives so that we too can bring home the gold.

And there's no better place to demonstrate that Olympic vitality than in the workplace. Moreover, you can introduce the same type of steam in the workplace with a minimal amount of effort. You can create excitement and team spirit in your own work environment with free inspirational wallpapers. The result would surely elevate productivity and create a pleasant, more workable surrounding.

Bringing inspiration to one's workplace is vital for continued success. Without an injection of motivation and direction, a person can lose sight of the objective and not be able to perform at their highest level. There are certainly many options available to increase momentum and jumpstart the energy, but one of the quickest and effectual ways is through the use of inspirational desktop wallpapers.

Free inspirational wallpapers help us to jump hurtles, toss about fresh ideas, and run the distance. It really requires just a little stimulation to accomplish so much. The Olympic dream is not something that materializes overnight. It grows from past experiences, training, and impenetrable resolve. And inspirational desktop wallpapers are the appropriate practice tools to help keep the momentum.

We all can realize our full potential with the right amount of support, a little bit of courage, and a great deal of confidence. It is our duty, our role, to exercise every modicum of who we are to obtain the gold. Our restlessness, our boredom, and our desire to search for a challenge, a release, a new avenue to travel, or a new us stems from this desire to reach for the gold and win.

The reality of it all is that we already possess the talent. We just need to learn to utilize it and acknowledge that is okay to grasp the gold and hold on to it. We are not flawed beyond repair or resolution. We just sometimes lose our way and need direction back to who we are and who we can become. And, isn't that a refreshing notion?

Ronnie Nijmeh is an accomplished author, speaker and coach. He is the president and founder of ACQYR, a inspirational resource with free motivational wallpapers, positive affirmations, inspirational articles and much more. Learn more about ACQYR's free motivational wallpaper downloads.

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Friday, July 18, 2008

Make Your Dream a Reality

By Sonni Carr

The Moonbow Chaser Challenge

I'm the kind of person who loves a challenge; however, it has to be a challenge that's worthwhile. If it doesn't stand a chance of going anywhere then what's the point. I like my challenges to have purpose and of course, be doable. I just started a blog and the blog is titled Moonbow Chaser, a moonbow chaser is a person who is chasing their impossible dream. It's a term I came up with that describes what I do on a daily basis. To elaborate on the term you need to know what a moonbow is. A moonbow is a rainbow created by the light of the moon as opposed to light of the sun. Moonbow's are rarely seen, they are elusive and beautiful, a treat for the eyes to behold.

Upon further research, I found that there are people who go to great lengths to see a moonbow, who ultimately desire to capture it on film. They travel for thousands of miles and wait for hours and sometimes days to catch the elusive moonbow. That's when the thought hit me, that's what I do! I'm chasing a dream, not a literal moonbow, but it's still my dream and I do the same thing those people do, which is, just about anything to possess my dream. Right then I knew what to do; I purchased my domain, set up a blog and became the first Moonbow Chaser. The great thing is that anyone can be a moonbow chaser; in fact if you are chasing an impossible dream, you're one too.

Therefore, the challenge set before us is to capture or possess our dream. To do this we must have a plan of action. No action = zero; that's right, nothing. If you don't begin to take steps in the direction of your dream you cannot possess it. If you set short term goals and take action on those goals it's doable. For example, let's say your dream is to take a vacation to Hawaii; you've been seeing those pictures of Maui for years and always say," I would love to go there!" How many of us know that dream will never be a reality if you don't save the money for it? You may have to cut back on some things; to possess the dream sacrifices will need to be made.

Therein lies the challenge, are you willing to make the sacrifices and do what it takes? If the answer is yes, you will capture the elusive moonbow, if not it's just a dream that will never become a reality.

By Sonni Carr

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Happy Independent Thinking

By Nicole Isler

Most of you probably celebrated the Fourth of July, or Independence Day, with fireworks, parades, barbecues, carnivals, picnics, concerts, and various other events celebrating our history and traditions of the United States. It's our time to celebrate freedom by commemorating the adoption of the Declaration of Independence.

The United States Declaration of Independence was a statement adopted by the Continental Congress on July 4, 1776, announcing that the thirteen American colonies then at war with Great Britain were no longer a part of the British Empire. The birthday of the United States of America-Independence Day!

Although celebrated upon publication, the Declaration was initially neglected following the American Revolution. Abraham Lincoln notably influenced the Declaration's symbolic stature as he viewed the Declaration an ideal for which the nation should strive, especially as expressed in Jefferson's famous preamble:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

I couldn't agree more with Thomas Jefferson's words. I think this is the perfect time to celebrate our freedom and right to independent thinking. Working as a coach has helped me truly appreciate how wonderful it is to be free to dream and think big. To create the life you desire with no limitations in the pursuit of happiness. This is truly a holiday worth celebrating!

While most of the news and discussions as of late has focused on all the problems in our country and what seems to be going "wrong", I'm going to ask you to pause a moment and appreciate what our country has to offer us.

We have freedom of choice, freedom of speech and more opportunities than ever before in our history to pursue our happiness in any and every way. We can take vacations, travel when we want, to where we want, purchase what we want, get a new job or start our own business without permission or approval, drive the car we choose, walk or ride a bike, take a bus, set our own goals and openly achieve them, hire a coach to help you grow, go to college or educate for free at our libraries, earn the income we desire or more, build a new home or buy one in the city or state of our choice, dress as we want, marry for love, start a family, go to a chiropractor, acupuncturist, for massage or personal training, need I go on? I am incredibly grateful to live in this country and have what I value most, my freedom to dream.

Just as our country's Father's intended for us, we have unalienable rights, a theoretical set of individual human rights that by their nature cannot be taken away, violated, or transferred from one person to another. These Rights are the most fundamental set of human rights, natural-not-granted nor conditional. They are the basic necessity of our survival. These rights are what keep our human spirit alive.

Through the course of my work I have met many fulfilled people. This has brought joy to my life and warmed my heart. People achieving and living their dreams, living their bliss! They have found their purpose and spend their days giving to others, sharing what they have learned and are best at.

I think one of my favorite stories is about my very first client Rob. (He's also my personal trainer!) Rob was working as a civil engineer and made a decision to go after his dream, he just wasn't sure quite what it was. Through our coaching sessions, he discovered his passion for fitness and is now the leading trainer at his gym. I am honored to have accompanied him on his journey and coach him as he transformed his life. Now he helps others do the same as they transform into a healthier, fit body and lifestyle. He also continues coaching even though he found his bliss, to keep him performing at his best. (He's a model client!)

On the flip side, what saddens me the most in my work is when I hear people tell me "they can't". They are on the path of self-destruction and they want out, but "they can't" do anything about it. They have stopped "independently thinking" and have taken on the poor concepts and beliefs of others and their own hardships so they choose to do nothing, which is really the same as giving up.

Nothing ever stays the same, so when you do nothing you move closer to pain, dis-ease and even death. When you make empowered decisions and begin to make the right changes in your thinking and feeling, you move toward joy, health and bliss.

When I see someone's human spirit fading away because they have forgotten their unalienable Rights it's because they have stopped using their freedom to choose a better way, a brighter path on their journey called life. They feel trapped, helpless and hopeless, not realizing that the choice is all theirs to feel that way. Sadly it happens every single day in our beautiful country of freedom. So many people waste time and energy they can never get back.

I work with people that find themselves in debt, divorced or on the verge, their mind, body and spirit sick with dis-ease and depression, they are overweight, eating poorly, sleepless and tired, overwhelmed and usually on medication to cover up what's gone wrong with their health. As a coach, this fuels my fire and together we turn things around. Health or dis-ease stems completely from your emotions. Emotional hygiene to prevent dis-ease is as necessary as brushing your teeth to prevent decay.

I'll say it again, we live in a fabulous country full of choices that allow us to live our bliss. You may want a companion at this point of your journey guiding you to make the right choices that lead you on the path to your passion. I'd be honored to walk with you as I did with Rob.

I always tell people that I get hired for one of two reasons... inspiration or desperation. Which one are you or are you somewhere in the middle? Remember, your choices are either moving you closer to inspiration or desperation as nothing ever stays the same.

Happy Fourth of July! Continue to celebrate your right to think independently and freedom of choice each and every day! I know I will!

Nicole is an accomplished Motivational Speaker and Success Coach. She has over 17 years of experience helping people achieve incredible levels of personal and professional success, health and prosperity. Her extensive training in the areas of mind-body synergy and verbal / non-verbal communication coupled with extensive self improvement, sales and time mastery skills have provided many clients with unparalleled success. She focuses her efforts on working with clients and organizations using a synergistic approach to solving complex issues resulting in substantial bottom line improvements. Focusing on up to date methods such as tele-classes, seminars, workshops and web based services, Nicole uses a variety of techniques and tools to deliver and teach necessary life-skills and business-skills to her varied clients. Nicole is a certified professional who has a passion for coaching others to find happiness and achieve a balance in every aspect of their life.

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Thursday, July 17, 2008

How to Have the Motivation to Keep Taking Action

By Gerard Goh

Have you always tried to complete a project with a burst of enthusiasm at the start, and slowly find yourself losing the motivation and willpower to continue with the project?

This is a very common problem with many people, but it is a simple problem to tackle. The problem is trying too hard. People want quick and easy results. That's human nature. So what happens when people aim for quick and easy results? They find themselves suffering as they bring themselves to a new level. This is what causes people to lose motivation as they do something in a prolonged period of time.

How to Have the Motivation To Keep Taking Action? Here are some simple steps for you to follow. First, make it shorter. Make your tasks shorter and easier to achieve! Notice that people lose motivation when the project is too long. If you experience high motivation level at the start of each new project, you can use this as an advantage. How?

As you break your tasks into shorter chunks, you will find yourself having more motivation to complete each task, because you see it as a short task instead of a long task.

For example, let's say you want to lose 30 pounds. If you tell yourself you want to lose 30 pounds and want to do it continuously, you will find yourself doing fine in the first week, then you will eventually slack and gain weight again. Then you start pushing yourself to lose weight again, and then eventually you gain it back again. This is because you didn't have the right technique and motivation to complete the task.

The Two Vital Elements You Must Have So You Can Have the Motivation To Keep Taking Action Continuously!-

If you do not break your task down, you will find that you are not any more productive taking continuous action. How do you deal with this problem? There are two vital elements you MUST have to take continuous action. Your plan must be realistic and it must ensure that it motivates you to take action!

If you break it up and say you want to lose 5 pounds per month, this sounds easy and you will see that within 6 months you will definitely achieve your goal.

What have you created here? By breaking down your goal into 6 months you are making it realistic, and as it sounds so easy, you have the motivation to take continuous action!

That's about it, always remember, keep the 2 most important elements when you create your plan- It should be realistic, and keeps you motivated all the time.

Gerard Goh runs a time management website at which contains extremely useful free resources which can help you increase your personal work productivity. You can also learn various time management techniques which can help you get more things done in less time!

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Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Focused Thinking is What We Need to Reach What We Want

By Aziza Elbakkush

On the past few days, I was reading on how to focus our thinking to get what we need... it shows that we need to know how to train our mind to be successful as well as productive...

Actually, there are lots of related questions to this subject accompanied by various types of answers... and if you just do some clicks on the internet, you would surely come up with hundreds and thousands of articles talk about the focused thinking which is considered to be the originality of all types of motivation... the same thing goes if you step up in a library or in any book shop and go to the motivational shelves, you will be amazed on the number of books published on such areas...

Such publications do actually talk about the same thing of "how and what to do" to be motivated and get our mind focused... I myself have read different types of sources related to motivation and yet I couldn't get what I need... I have read about motivations again and again and again, but I couldn't get what I want...

However, on last few days I was flipping few pages on motivation where I come across a line written by John Assaraf , " focused thinking is what it takes to truly get what we want". Such a line has actually done some clicks on my mind and realized that, the power to act lies within us! We are the one who have to turn the idea onto the action...

It shows that we do have the ability to turn the idea into the action and start moving positively in our life...

I am a freelance writer who loves to write on different materials preferably the subjects that meet up with the market need... besides, I do have two blogs specified for materials related to beauty at : ... and the other blog is specified for materials related to education, motivation, career, etc at:

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Tuesday, July 15, 2008

How to Get Everything You Want

By Angelo Campione

I hear people often say things like, "It's great to be spiritually aware and peaceful, but I still feel there are things I want to achieve, have and do, how do I do that while still being mindful?"

Let me be clear, there’s nothing wrong with wanting more, it’s part of our abundant nature. It’s the thinking attached to the things we achieve, have or do that leads us astray.

Out of this, I've decided to give you a formula that is guaranteed to succeed for you when all 3 elements are in alignment with each other!

The Formula is:

You x (Thoughts + Actions) = Results/Outcomes

Or, Y x (T + A) = R


YOU: This is the most important part of the equation and involves you being still enough to know exactly what it is that you want. Most people will say they know what they want but in reality there’s so much happening around them that it’s just something that sounds nice, for e.g. I want a new car.

You need to be crystal clear on what it is that you truly want because without the clarity, you won’t have the focus required. So go into a quiet room, sit in a comfortable chair, close your eyes and ask the question, "What is it that I truly want?" If other thoughts come in, allow them to pass through and keep asking the question. You’ll know when you have the right answer because it will fill you with enthusiasm and excitement.

If no answer comes, then leave it and return to it tomorrow, spend at least 15 minutes with it each day until something comes.

Remember, this is a critical step, the YOU part of this equation is the foundation and your thoughts and actions are surface structures, without a foundation all buildings crumble!

THOUGHTS Once you’re clear on what it is you want, you need to be vigilant of what you’re thinking because the old conditioned (unconscious part) of you will probably not be comfortable with change and will look to sabotage efforts. This is where your mindfulness practice comes in handy, notice the objections that come up in you in wanting to change. In you noticing them, they lose their power to influence you.

ACTIONS Action is the final step, unlike a lot of self-help tools out there that say action is the most important aspect of getting what you want. When the steps above are taken care of, action becomes a natural flow from that. You find that you’re actually motivated to take action because you’re clear about what you want and understand the importance of it. Action is only becomes work when you’re doing something that isn’t in alignment with what you really want. Action becomes a pleasure when it is in alignment with what you want and that’s something that a lot of people don’t experience yet.

If this discussion has been of interest to you, join the Free Mindulness Series at where there's a step by step process of helping you find more in life as well as how to apply the above formula to things like money. Alternatively check out the blog site at

Angelo Campione has real life experience of dealing with emotional pain and now walks the path that has him live a life of purpose, joy and freedom. He currently has an online Mindfulness Series Free of charge that goes through a step-by-step process of not only helping people understand themselves better but also giving them tools to help them find their own Truth.

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Monday, July 14, 2008

Do You Need a Cheerleader From Time to Time?

By Celeta McCall

Do you need someone in your corner from time to time to make sure that you are making the right decisions or setting realistic goals for yourself?

Just in case that you don't let me tell you how important it is for you to have your own personal cheerleader. Because we deal with so many things in our lives that may hinder us from reaching sometimes our goals, a cheerleader really comes in handy.

The different sources of cheerleading that can be used:

• Verse/s from the Holy Bible-Hebrews Chapter 11, the Faith Chapter
• Quote/s from a famous person-"How wrong it is for a woman to expect the man to build the world she wants, rather than to create it herself." -Anais Nin (1903-1977)
• A motivational speaker-Zig Ziglar- See You at the Top
• A family member (including the husband or significant other)
• A close, trusted friend

I always wanted to be a writer and I have written many things such as stories, plays and newsletters, etc. But, to truly see my work in published form I had to seek out a cheerleader to convince myself that my work was a quality that someone would take the time to enjoy. It took a close friend of mine to convince me to publish my work and it has been the most fulfilling thing I have ever done.

My cheerleader took the time to show me how to publish my work, then how to get my work out there to the right market. I realized that I was the only stumbling block keeping me from reaching my goals.

I now find myself being other people's cheerleader simply by giving them an encouraging word or instructing them on how to find something; I always stress never to stop dreaming and never give up on anything you truly want to do.

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Friday, July 11, 2008

Redirect the traffic in our Minds

By Ronnie Nijmeh

As with any major, progressive metropolitan area, a large human population creates a great deal of traffic and chaos. Everybody is scrambling around trying to fulfill demands and accomplish various tasks on their lists. Since their usual mode of transportation is a motorized vehicle of some sort, the hustle and bustle is immense. And as they scurry to get to their appointments and destinations, the highways, streets and sidewalks seem to buckle from the increasing size of the mass. The whole scene can sometimes feel overwhelming and impossible.

Well, unfortunately, traffic and driving is as much a part of our existence as the sun and moon. The only thing we can do is to learn to cope or find ways around it. Even though we cannot always change our surroundings, we can certainly alter its impact on our psyche. We can utilize various means of enhancing our energy levels, boosting our spirit, and regenerating our thought processes.

Like detour signs that are placed near construction areas to show us a different route, we need to create our own bypass and learn to work around sticky situations. Whether it’s traffic on the highways or clutter in our heads, it can be distracting, unproductive, and stifling. But, if we plan our route and remain in constant motion we can arrive at our desired point in a calmer and more fulfilled state.

In addition, we should master the skill of un-cluttering the traffic in our minds. In order to make room for novel ideas, clear the way for new found energy, and create a different path we have to first eliminate the diversions and setbacks. Then we are able to set our direction. Starting with a clean slate can often provide fruitful results.

An uncomplicated and non-expensive form of refreshing our brains and rejuvenating our spirits is through free wallpapers with inspirational quotes. Just to have those meaningful quotes sitting on our personal computers can redirect our paths. The encouragement produced by these helpful, soothing words is enough to fuel our engine and carry us down the road towards success.

Free inspirational wallpapers help to reestablish focus and move us in the appropriate direction. They should be downloaded, stored, and utilized like a spare tire. An individual never knows when digressions, impediments, and accidents may occur. It’s always better to be properly equipped for such incidences.

Having free inspirational wallpapers on your desktop is like driving a car with its own navigation system. When you are lost or you just need to find the location of the nearest gas station, the navigation system can give you directions. When you are stumped on a project or you need a reminder of where you’re trying to go, these spectacular downloads can provide the right motivation.

They help to reroute us through gridlock and bridge us to the intended target. Free wallpapers with inspirational quotes are the perfect traffic signal, yield sign, and exit indicators. They help us evaluate our journey and give us new avenues to explore. They direct, inspire, and keep us stimulated. And with so many events, people, duties, and circumstances pulling us in various directions, it’s extremely helpful and a relief to have such a motivating compass within reach.

Ronnie Nijmeh is the president and founder of - a resource that provides free inspirational desktop wallpapers, motivational articles, and positive affirmations. Download free inspirational desktop backgrounds.

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Wednesday, July 9, 2008

How to stay Motivated In The Face Of A Mounting Work Load!

By Barry Share

Motivation is one of the main contributing factors towards success. The best skills, education and experience can amount to precious little in the absence of a sense of motivation towards your work.

Is it a problem with you that you tend to lack motivation when it is essentially important to have it?

Do you feel that you would be very successful if only you had a bit of motivation and excitement for the job you are into?

So how do you keep yourself motivated?

Here are some mantras to help you.

1. Pick Yourself Up

If you walk long enough, you are going to stumble. Accept this universal truth. The key to success is in getting up, dusting yourself of and carrying on. Never let faults and failures let you down and decrease your working capacity. Shrug it off and do not allow it ever to overcome you and fail you further by depression.

2. Compete

Nothing spurs us on more than competition. Competition need not necessarily be against another individual. Every task can be looked upon as a competition - you have been assigned the task because you are perceived to be the best at it, or the most probable to succeed at it.

Fail and sure enough there will be someone waiting to take over the task and the mantle from you. Build up the spirit of competition in you. Your hard work in this rapidly progressing capitalist society will give you nothing unless you compete against somebody and for something.

3. Focus on the positives

Failures or bad days bring us down. Mulling about these failures for too long can seriously dent your motivation and ability to work. Leave your failures behind. Don't ignore them - analyze them and learn from them. But once that's done, shift your focus to the positive aspects of your life.

4. Try something new

We love a challenge or an adventure. It is in our basic nature as humans. Every now and then take up something new and challenging. It will provide your mind with fresh fodder, and motivate you tremendously. You will find your energy levels perk up and your general outlook towards your work will improve.

5. Motivation is temporal It's difficult to be motivated throughout your life since life is full of unexpected twists and turns. In many occasions you also suffer jeopardizing situations, which shake your very foundations. Understand them, learn from them and get back on the job. Staying motivated takes some effort, put in the work.

6. Understand yourself

Everyone is unique and each one of us has our own quirks and handles. Understand what works for you and what doesn't. Keep in view things and objects which helps to motivate you as well as occurrences and people who de-motivate you.

7. Be passionate

If you have to pick one consistent trait among people who have been successful at their chosen professions or pursuits, it will have to be passion. A passion that is the main driving force behind every action you take. Passion for the job you are doing is paramount to keep you motivated for it.

8. Talk yourself up

Ever wonder what coaches tell boxers between rounds? Boxing tips and techniques? Probably not. It is far more likely that the coach lifts the spirits of the boxer and motivates him with positive talk. Keep a check on your self-talk. Replace and monitor your negative thinking with positive solutions from your heart and think of feel good things that will help to enliven you and hence provide motivation.

Motivating yourself could be the easiest or the hardest thing to do. We've gone through some mantras that should help you find your motivating factor. Adapt these to your specific traits and situations and if you do so then obstacles will just breeze past you and success will be within your grasp.

Barry Share is the Founder and Editorial Director of "The New Lifestyle Programme" Where you can get your... FREE...copy of the amazing No1 Job Changing Informational Package "... =>

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Monday, July 7, 2008

Mastering Your Mind Power; Does Habit Play a Part?

By Harold L Lowe

Habit is both the problem and the solution to your mastering your mind power and more fully exercising the power of your mind. If your were to take inventory of the thoughts you consistently think from day to day, you would be amazed at how little conscious, focused thinking takes place because of habit. Most of your working hours are probably spent attending to your job. There is a 95% chance that your job is of the paycheck to paycheck variety, and if you have been on that job for a while, it has probably become fairly routine and does not require much problem-solving, focused thinking.

Habits are actions or behaviors that have been repeated so regularly that they have become routines that are engaged in without consciously thinking about them. They are learned actions or behaviors, rather than instinctive. They occur automatically, for the most part, without the explicit conscious intention of a person.

I am not aware of any studies that have determined the number of habits the average adult has formed by, let us say, age 25. I imagine that number is in the hundreds, maybe even in the thousands. In a sense, one could say that we human beings are just a big bundle of habits moving through life. Some habits are good. Others we most assuredly can do without.

They range from actions as simple as how we form letters to construct words when we write, the way we walk, the way we talk, or the way we put on garments. More complicated habits include the way we respond to negative comments made about us by others or the way we respond to thoughts about wealth and wealthy people. Some habits are certainly very useful, for they free us from having to think through every one of the many details that are in nearly every action in which we engage throughout our day.

Most of us have built a multitude of habitual beliefs (or someone else has built them for us) about every facet of life. These beliefs are so conditioned within us that they have become our truths through which we see our world. It is very important to understand the contribution habits make to the construction of the self image. A simple definition of a person's self image is the conception of the sort of person one thinks he or she is. It is a mental blueprint that has been built up from subconsciously embedded beliefs about himself or herself.

A person's self image, consisting of many habits, is very resistant to change. It will yield to you, however, if your desire for a more prosperous or fulfilling life is strong enough. There is no better time than right now to begin developing new habits, habits that move you toward financial freedom to do what you want to do when you want to do it.

This I know for sure. You can claim or re-claim control of your own mind power. You are the most miraculous of all living beings on earth. You are the owner of a mind that is so stupendous, that as you truly begin mastering your mind power and consciously using it, there is no dream that you can dream that you cannot achieve.

Harold L Lowe retired at age 62 when his six-figure income position was eliminated. He now wishes to share some of what he has learned since then and some of his experiences as well through articles. He is now studying The New Think And Grow Rich with the author, Ted Ciuba, a founding member of the World Internet Summit. To Claim A FREE Copy Of The Book That Inspired The Movie/DVD/Book, The Secret, Go To:

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