Thursday, January 31, 2008

Secrets to Motivating Yourself and Others

By Dr Jill Ammon-Wexler

There is hardly anything more personal that what motivates each of us to perform in a work environment. Here's some insight into how to choose the best "carrot" to motivate both yourself ... and others.


Core belief: "I need to be in charge of what I do, for whom and when."

These independent problem-solvers must feel in charge, whether working in their own business or for someone else. Their biggest motivation is autonomy. They truly enjoy taking responsibility for their own successes and failures.

Best carrot: A bonus, a piece of the action, or a performance-based commission. If this is you ? most likely just having your own business is a huge carrot in itself!


Core belief: "I'm working to live ... not living to work."

These high-energy folks want to enjoy their work, but consider it a means to an end. They want time to pursue their own personal interests.

Best carrot: Free time to pursue their passions ? time off, additional vacation days, or perhaps flex-time. If this is your "style," you might want to think about finding a way to integrate your passion with a business of your own. This is true entrepreneurial motivation!


Core belief: "Stretch me. I need to be learning."

These folks value a work situation where they're being stretched, or acquiring new skills. They're easily bored with routines or lack of challenging assignments. They want to advance in their career, and identify more with their profession than with an employer.

Best carrot: Send them to a skill-building course or seminar. Is this you? Most self-made millionaires agree that the best "skill" to pursue is increased self knowledge!


Core belief: "I'll do whatever I need to do to get ahead."

True career builders evaluate their work in terms of true opportunities for advancement and increased responsibility. They tend to be ambitious, and status and prestige are primary motivation.

Best carrot: The chance to head a high-profile project, and get open recognition for the results. Is this you? Think about joining some professional associations and taking a position of leadership!


Core belief: "I have to be true to my own insights."
Independent thinkers won't sacrifice their personality or personal creativity in favor of a company role. They are often very spontaneous and creative.

Best carrot: Ask them what they want ? and try to give them what they ask for. If you're one of those independent thinkers, you should probably begin to think about being in business for yourself! Then YOU can decide what you want, and give it to yourself!


Core belief: "I'm a people person."

Team players bond strongly with their team or work group. They take much of their identity from belonging to a team, and are usually not happy working alone. They are extremely loyal to their team, and need to work with people they enjoy.

Best carrot: A chance to play with their team members. How about a team picnic or ski trip? If you are a team player ? a good way to climb up the success ladder would be to join a team committed to starting a new venture. But make sure you feel good about the other players!

The author, Dr Jill Ammon-Wexler, is a doctor of psychology, pioneer brain/mind researcher, and former advisor to the Pentagon, a Presidential Commission, and numerous top executives and executive teams. The author of several books and hundreds of articles, she is also the co-founder of, and the Creative Director of the Self Discovery Community. She can be reached at:

Come visit the exciting Self Discovery Community. Discover the most interesting, unusual, stimulating and creative methods of self discovery on the web today! Free sizzling weekly ezine, and the web's first Brain Gym ezone.

Motivation By Consequences

By John Watson

In 2004 seven badly behaved teenagers were sent to a brat camp in the USA by desperate parents whose lives had been made hell by their own offspring. All seven were from the UK.

At Turnabout, the Brat Camp in Utah, the brats started the rehabilitation process by sitting in a stone circle for three days on their own to reflect on their lives and why they had been sent to the camp by their long suffering parents.

They needed to understand that their poor behavior had already had consequences. Why else would they be stuck in a desert in Utah? Because consequences do not always arrive quickly both adults and youngsters often fail to be aware of them and need time to become aware.

Sitting in the stone circle was a rite of passage for Indian Braves. One of the girls argued that she was not a Red Indian and was not a man. She had missed the whole point of the exercise.

Four girls from the UK group were given an extra day in the stone circle for smoking at night and then for refusing to tell on whoever brought the cigarettes in. Grassing was regarded by the camp leaders as simply being honest.

The boys got a decent meal and a day off the stone circle. They were learning that good behaviour usually produces rewards while poor behaviour usually results in some kind of uncomfortable, boring and even painful experience.

For the first time, the kids felt the need to behave themselves. Some started to think: "We are going to stay in line and get some good food."

They also began to realize that not every one in the world would treat them as indulgently as their parents. Alex was told her hair would have to be died its natural color. She said: "It won't happen."

Four hours later it did happen. There was no getting round the staff. She learned that some people could not be manipulated to indulge her whims.

Eventually the brats moved on to level two of their training but there were still rules to be obeyed. On level two youngsters had to be neat and tidy and ask permission for everything.

Jenny struggled with tidiness. Wayne, the camp leader, taught her to put things away:"I'm not your ma. I may be as pretty as your mum but I will not put things away for you."

He told Jenny to walk around the cabin shouting "I will put my gloves away."
At Turnabout they never ignore a problem. They face up to everything fair and square. Jenny ended up back in the stone circle.

Jenny then pretended that her wrist had been badly sprained but this did not wash with Wayne. There was no escape from the consequences.

Idle chatter was off the menu. Complaining about the food was also against the rules. The brats had to learn that negative talk has bad consequences.

More were beginning to get the message. Jemma commented: "You've got to be good all the time."

One of the boys had also got the message:"Every rule here, no matter however small, you get consequenced for."

Many adults never get this message. We keep doing silly things and are still surprised by the bad consequences. We all need to learn that the Universe is not an indulgent parent who will let us do whatever we feel like doing and then will protect us from the harmful results. We need to learn that every action we take, no matter how small, has good or bad consequences.

We are even surprised when good things happen when we follow the rules of the universe. Fortunately the universe is impartial. If we start eating right we will be amazed at how much better we feel. Eventually we will realize that the remorseless law of consequences is something we should be grateful for. It can work for us or it can work against us.

Maybe we should all sit in a stone circle every day and reflect on the power of consequences. A few weeks in Utah would do us all some good.

About the author: John Watson is an award winning teacher and martial arts instructor. He has recently written two books about achieving your goals and dreams.

They can both be found on his website along with a daily motivational message.

The title of the first book is "36 Laws To Ignite Your Inner Power And Realize Your Dreams Now! - Acronyms, Stories, And Pictures...Easy To Remember And Use Everyday To Grab Your Life And Soar With The Eagles"

The book can be found at this URL
The book uses acronyms, stories and pictures to help readers remember 36 laws that can gradually transform your life if you apply them.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Motivation To Change, Why Is It So Hard?

By Lynne Dean

We encounter constant changes throughout our life; it could be educational, health, relationships or financial, and of course with oneself. Maintaining or increasing one's sense of self-worth and happiness are strong incentives for these changes.

Too often trials and errors affect our self-esteem and therefore hinder true engagement in learning and changing. It's very comforting to have a routine, and very frightening to go forward to the unknown. Its takes courage and determination. This is nothing new. You have done it before, perhaps not deliberately but you have gone through many changes during your life.

Change is stressful. No doubt about it. Why not make it as stressless as possible? Try to consider the following:

Understand the intentions, motivations, and desires of your new endeavours. Acknowledge the strengths and constraint it will bring. Allow yourself to take risks and not to take any fall back personally. Remember trials and errors are part of learning and being alive.

Compel to understand, to appreciate one's feelings, fears and motivations; be sure to use such information to better your life. Use this information to guide your thinking and action.

Let go of negative thoughts, integrate new ideas with what you already know and use the new information to move forward. Be flexible, allow for new and different ways to achieve your goal, it might bring you different opportunities at the end. Why not supply yourself with options. Have some contingencies as backup plans, it will calm down this feeling of vulnerability.

Unfortunately too often as adults we want to do everything ourselves?mistakes. We are not alone; tons of people have been through changes, often similar to ours; seek and accept support from others. They experienced it, they might know something you haven't' thought about. Give it a try.

Don't disown your future, own it. You make your life, take it as a movie set if you like; you are the director, the main actor and the editor. How do you want the story to ensue?
Ask yourself those fundamental questions:

What am I like?

What do I want to be like?

What are my strengths?

What are my weaknesses?

What do I need?

What do I want?

Who could help me?

Want is my plan?

Know that you can achieve whatever you set your mind to. Now is an opportunity to reflect and act upon those thoughts. Changing is a means to an end, not an end in itself.

Until next time,

be conscious, flexible in your approach and make yourself happy.


Team of

Making Positive Changes

Instead of saying "I don't know"

Say "I'll find out".

Instead of seeing a problem for every answer,

Try seeing an answer for every problem

Instead of saying "That's not my job",

See what has to be done and do it.

Instead of making promises,

Make commitments

Instead of looking at what can't be done,

Look at what can be done

When a mistake is made, instead of saying "It wasn't my fault"

Say "I was wrong".

Instead of side-stepping most issues,

Try making decisions

Instead of saying "I'm not as bad as a lot of others",

Say "I'm good, but not as good as I can be".

Instead of saying "That's the way it has always been done",

Say "There ought to be a better way".

Instead of saying "It may be possible, but it's too difficult",

Say "It may be difficult but it's not impossible".

Taken from "Positive Works" from Alberta Advanced Education and Career Development

If you like this e-zine, please do a friend and me a big favor and "pay it forward."

If a friend DID forward this to you and if you like what you read, please subscribe by visiting us.

Lynne Dean created Motivational Central, an online information service for seekers of general self improvement, in January 2005.
Being a simple government part time worker and mother to a lovely son, she welcome the challenged to communicate and built a web site where positive vibes and motivation tips would be share to the world. A hobby it is, but what a fun and interesting thing to do!

What Motivates You - Desire or Fear?

By Steve Brunkhorst

The energy of desire is a powerful motivator and creative force. Yet we must state our desires clearly with the rewards of success in mind.

One of my recent clients had spent six years in a job where he felt unappreciated. Although he had the skills and experience to take other work, he was having trouble leaving his current position. While expressing his frustration, he kept saying, "I can't stand this job!"

Desire and the energy it creates affect our intentions and actions. However, it is important to distinguish between desire motivation and fear motivation. We are either moving toward something we want, or, as my client was, away from something we do not want.

Fear motivation aims to protect and focuses on avoiding penalties for failure. It leads to feelings of inhibition (e.g., "I can't") or compulsion (e.g., "I have to."). Desire motivation seeks rewards for success. It leads to volition (e.g., "I can.") and propulsion (e.g., "I want to.").

Not initially knowing where he would go next, my client was moving "from" an undesired position, mistakenly motivated by penalties for perceived failure. Of course, he had not failed; his job had failed him. The way we express our feelings will shape our beliefs, intentions, and actions, often without our awareness.

My client's initial affirmation, "I can't stand this job," was working to keep him there. The mind is unable to focus on the reverse of an idea. It will delete a negative such as "can't" and move directly to its dominant thought. What he had actually affirmed with strong emotion was, "I stand this job!"

Filled with energetic dislike for his job, he had not only been affirming that he would continue to "stand" his job. He had also intensified his unwanted staying power by mixing strong negative emotion with his words.

He went on to identify the position and job he wanted. Then he began to create statements focusing on rewards for moving to a satisfying and fulfilling position. Within two months, he had acquired a satisfying position with a new company, and, to his delight, an employer who regularly compliments him on his work.

Clearly focus on your desires each day. Ask yourself, "What do I want, exactly?" "What am I moving toward?" Allow your thoughts and words to move you toward your desires with faith in your God-given talents and potential.

For additional information about effectively combining positive emotions with desire, see the article, Affirm Your Intentions - Achieve Your Goals at:

Remember that most successful achievers focus on the rewards of success. Think of one of your strongest desires and imagine what its attainment will make possible for you. The deepest desires of your heart will produce the energy to carry you forward to success. May the rewards of every success that you desire be yours!

© Copyright 2005 by Steve Brunkhorst. Steve is a professional life success coach, motivational author, and the editor of Achieve! 60-Second Nuggets of Inspiration, a popular mini-zine bringing great stories, motivational nuggets, and inspiring thoughts to help you achieve more in your career and personal life. Get the next issue by visiting

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

You And I Can Find More Motivation

By Courtney

You can find deeper motivation by finding deeper meaning in your life.

Do you look into the sky and wonder to yourself what is my purpose here and who am I truly? Without getting philosophical there is a lot to be thought about as to our potential and what we can become.

I believe that there is great potential in each person and some of you may feel that you deserve more than what life gives you.

I believe that there are numerous people out there besides myself that want to do more with life, but time and money appear to be getting in the way again and again.

It is really unfortunate. I really believe that there are people out there that can and are willing to contribute a lot, but they don't have the funds or time to do so.

They can give a great deal to the community. Let me add there is a lot to be done out there that can take no money or minimal time. With that being said I talk to countless people each day that give, but want to be able to give more and more.

I am sure you probably know those people too or you might be one. There are ways to create that time and money. One is by starting your own business and something that most people can do, but often don't know how to do it.

Nearly 80 percent of all small business owners fail at starting a business. They get burned out and lose funds because they don't have the knowledge to run their business correctly.

Face it. You are going to need help and assistance. There is a great deal of information on the internet that will help you get your business started.

Also the potential internet market is a lot larger because the whole world can be knocking at your web sites door instead of a small local community. Take the courage to improve your life so you can improve others.

It will make all of the difference if you do it soon because you don't know how many people you may help out. Let me give you an example. I have a dear friend that was raised by a single mother.

She taught him everything. He never saw his father. His mother had to play both roles and take on two jobs to support them. She cared for him like any other mother and did all she could to get him the toys and things that he wanted and his other friends got so easily.

She tried to do all she could to schedule her life around him and his sporting events in high school. She was there at his graduation and somehow helped him to put together funds for college.

She taught him all of the morals and virtues he lived by and someday he vowed that he would take care of her. He recently started a business on the Internet and built a solid six figure income.

He has invested in other businesses and was finally able to buy his mom her first home and a brand new car. Now she will never have to work again.

She can enjoy vacations. He has had a lot of success, but very little compared to the delight he received from seeing his mom enjoy her life for the first time for herself after how selfless she was for many years.

Article Source:

About the Author: The HomeBizGuru helps people to learn marketing online.

Life With Woody - 10 Inspirational Quotes To Uplift You

By Daniel Alan

In this article we go through 10 great Woody quotes and talk about them, I really enjoy this.

It might take a little coffee or probably a few rounds of beer or any other booze you could get your hands on when it comes to relaxing after a hard day's work. Well, yeah I'm guilty about that one as well, unless I'm caught dead wearing a lampshade over my head after a few rounds of vodka half-naked! Okay, bad example and I apologize to everyone reading this after getting nightmares about me in that state of drunken stupor.

Just don't ask how it happened, please.

But what's really interesting is that how do people go through the usual part of life when faced with vein-popping stress? I mean, the new age thing like Zen or yoga is one of the good things and it actually works. Is there room for the intellectual side of people who can actually smell the roses-in-a-can while on the move? It kind of had me thinking that there really must be something in this 'mind-over-matter' thing.

Humor is indeed the best medicine there is whenever you are. I mean anyone can pay good money to listen to a comedian just to make you wet your pants after laughing so hard. Despite of what's been happening, and to those who has gone though the ordeal, it's better to just laugh while facing the troubles with a clear mind than anger with a clouded vision. One of my favorite celebrities of all time may have to be Woody Allen. Now this is one guy who gives you the in-your-face bluntness that he pulls out with gusto, even without even trying. You can talk just about anything with a man, and he's bound to mock the subject and you'll end up laughing rather than being upset about it.

Woody Allen has this to say:

1. "Money is better than poverty, if only for financial reasons." It sounds good to me, I mean the practicality of all things does involve money but it doesn't have to take an arm and a leg to get it.

2. "I believe there is something out there watching us. Unfortunately, it's the government." 'Nuff said.

3. "There are worse things in life than death. Have you ever spent an evening with an insurance salesman?" This happens to be one of the classic ones. I mean the issue about life's little problems isn't all that bad, until 'he' shows up.

Sure, relationships can get complicated, or does have its complications that probably any author about relationships is bound to discover it soon. We follow what our heart desires, unless you're talking about the heart as in the heart that pump blood throughout your body.

4. "Love is the answer, but while you're waiting for the answer, sex raises some pretty interesting questions." And if you want more, just keep on asking!

5. "A fast word about oral contraception. I asked a girl to go to bed with me, she said 'no'." It sounds, 'practical', I think.

And when it comes to everyday life, he really knows how to make the best out of every possible scenario, and it doesn't involve a lawsuit if he strikes a nerve.

6. "Basically my wife was immature. I'd be at home in the bath and she'd come in and sink my boats." I never had a boat in my bathtub before. Just staring at it while soaking in hot water makes me seasick already.

7. "I am not afraid of death, I just don't want to be there when it happens." If it rains, it pours.

8. "I am thankful for laughter, except when milk comes out of my nose." It could get worse when you're guzzling on beer or mouthwash, and it happened to me once!

9. "If you want to make God laugh, tell him about your plans." At least he doesn't smite us with lightning, and I'm thankful for that.

And despite of what may happen to all of us in the next ten, twenty, or even thirty years, I guess we all have to see things in a different kind of light and not just perspective. I can't seem to imagine life without any piece of wisdom that could guide us. Whether we're religious or not, it takes more courage to accept your fears and learn how to deal with them is all that matters when it comes to even just getting along.

And to sum things up, here is the last nugget of wisdom to go by however, whenever, and wherever we may be.

10. "The talent for being happy is appreciating and liking what you have, instead of what you don't have."


Article Source:

About the Author: Daniel Alan is the creator of the Perfect Path To Wealth system which helps people around the world attain their financial dreams. He is an expert at making money online and he motivates people around the country with his speaking.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Do You Lack Inspiration?

By Sam Crowley

Inspiration can be very simple for some, yet difficult for others to grab hold of. The secret is once you have it, not to let it go. Inspiration is a powerful thing and it can really help you to change your life. Without inspiration people tend to give up trying to change their lives, and for those who do still try; they find it an impossible journey because there is nothing to give them any motivation to carry on. So just how do you find inspiration?

Inspiration is all Around You

Every single one of us is different and we all strive for different things. Due to these differences the things which give us inspiration also differs. The good news however is that there is inspiration all around you no matter what you are trying to achieve. You just have to look hard enough and you will find it!

If you are trying to lose weight for example, you may find inspiration in friends and in family, in magazines or even in the clothes that you would love to fit into. If you want to change your job you could find inspiration in people who have already made the change that you want to make. Even though we are all different, there are always people who have been through similar things to what we have and who understand what we are going though. By surrounding ourselves with people who understand, it will give us the inspiration we need to make the necessary changes.

Overall we all need people to look up to. Many people have a favourite celebrity that they admire. Others admire friends and family. That admiration gives you inspiration and it can affect how you live your life. It does not matter who the person is that you admire, just as long as they do provide positive inspiration. It is powerful and it really can help. So if you do want to develop the motivation that you need to change things, you need to surround yourself with whatever it is that inspires you.

Your Next Steps in Finding Inspiration

Now you know what inspiration is and how it can change your life, you now need to make a plan for yourself. Ask yourself the following questions:

What is it I want to achieve? Do I know anybody who has gone through anything similar to what I am going through? Is this change really important to me?

Once you have answered the above questions you will know what kind of inspiration you need. It is then your job to find that inspiration and hold onto it with both hands. You could keep a photograph with you at all times which is inspirational to you. Or perhaps you find quotes or music inspirational? Once you find what it is that helps you, keep it with you as much as you can. That way the inspiration will stay with you at all times and you will never lose your focus.

Article Source:

About the Author: Sam Crowley is a Motivational Speaker who lives in Cincinnati, OH. Sam Crowley inspires audiences worldwide with his "Everyday Is Saturday" message. You can view Sam Crowley's website at

Everyone Can Benefit From An Excellent Motivational Speaker

By Sam Crowley

Be sure to do your homework when hiring your next motivational speaker. If you're in the audience, understand the right messenger can have a profound impact on your life.

Sometimes in life we can feel a little lost. Things do not seem to be moving forward and our lives are stuck in a rut. While we try as hard as we can, sometimes we just cannot find the inspiration that we need and that is where a motivational speaker may come in handy.

Motivational speakers are there to inspire you and to give you the courage that you need in order to change your life. We all need some encouragement in order to achieve success in our lives, but unfortunately we do not always find it in ourselves or in the people around us. Motivational speakers know what we need and they know how we can achieve it. Overall they help us to once again believe in ourselves.

Choosing the Right Motivational Speaker for You

When on the lookout for a motivational speaker, you need to keep in mind a few things. First and most importantly you have to actually like the speaker. It may sound obvious but some people have hired a motivational speaker despite feeling a little uneasy around them. It could be due to a lot of confidence on the motivational speaker's part and it may have made the other person feel a little overpowered. Whatever it is that makes you feel uneasy, if you feel unsure in any way look for another speaker. There is no point whatsoever hiring somebody who will intimidate you instead of empower you.

Another thing that you have to check is credibility. There are some advertised motivational speakers who are not all that they say they are. So it is always a good idea to look at references and qualifications. That way you will have an idea of how good they are and it will help you to make a knowledgeable choice as to whether to hire them or not.

One important quality which all motivational speakers should have if they are truly genuine is the ability to know your individual needs. For example, it is all well and good saying you can change your life by believing in yourself but they also need to be able to tell you how. How can you change your life as opposed to how the person next to you can change theirs? Every single person is different and their needs are different too. So they need to tell you how you personally can change the situation that you are in.

Finally you need to know what their message is. Does it inspire you? Have you heard it all before? You are hiring the motivational speaker because they have something that you want to hear. You are not hiring them to tell you something that you have heard before. You need to know how they can change your life and how they can inspire you. Only when you have heard their message, can you then decide whether they are right for you.

Overall you really do need to spend a lot of time researching different motivational speakers within your area. Get to know them and that way you will know if you can trust them and if you like them. A motivational speaker can really help you to take control of your life, but only if they are the right one for you.

Article Source:

About the Author: Sam Crowley is a Motivational Speaker who lives in Cincinnati, OH. Sam Crowley inspires audiences worldwide with his "Everyday Is Saturday" message. You can view Sam Crowley's website at

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

The Balanced Life - Self Motivation

By Cindy Winters

How many times have you lost heart and given up on your dreams and goals? You start out having this great idea of what you want to do and then somewhere along the line you loose steam. You begin to wonder if it is possible to achieve your dream. Road blocks begin to spring up and it seems as though there are just too many hurdles for you to cross before you actualize what you want and you give up. The chances are that you have given up right before your dreams have become reality. So how do you keep the momentum that you started with? How do you keep plugging away at your goals when there seems to be no progress made?

The answer, my friend, is SELF-MOTIVATION. Others will not continually give you the motivation you need to realize your dreams. If anything, they will attempt to dissuade you. People have a tendency to place others in a well-defined box. This enables them to make sense out of what you are doing, especially if they have never had a great dream or they have, but they gave up on it. So you really cannot depend on others to keep you motivated. This is a task that you and only you can do.

But how in the world do I do this, you might ask? First of all you need to have a well defined goal. Put it on paper and then visualize it. See the sights, smell the smells, listen to the surrounding sounds, and most importantly feel the emotions involved when your goal has been accomplished. Very often these emotions are really what we want to achieve. For example, if our goal is wealth and abundance, we really do not want the money; we want the feeling of security. It is important to get clear on exactly what you want.

Every morning for 5 minutes, do this visualization. Then just let it go and get on with your daily activities. In the evening, right before sleep, visualize you living your dream again. Do this every day without fail. You are summoning the Universe to help you-and it will!

Now, this is NOT the only thing you must do. If it were this easy, every daydreamer out there would realize their dreams. You must next set up a detailed plan of action. Many people have their own process for this. If you were to Google goal setting, you would get about 8 million results. I have my own process for this and I will be happy to share it with you. I have a goal setting/daily motivation area on my website. Or you can just Google it and find one that appeals to you.

After you make up your monthly, weekly, and daily goals, DO THEM without fail. If you are getting overwhelmed, readjust your time table to allow for some breathing space. The Number 1 cause of failure in meeting goals is overdoing it. You must set realistic time frames so you do not suffer burn-out.

An important side note to the results of these goals. Do NOT expect any one action or combination of actions to manifest your major goal. You are just doing every single thing possible to attain your goal. Some will work, some will not, but you put forth your best effort-consistently and constantly. The Universe will either grab one of those actions that you produce, or a combination of actions, and you will begin to see results. So do not get hung up on the individual tasks. Just do them to the best of your ability.

Above all, have FUN! It really is not the end result that matters, but rather the journey you took to get there! I wish you victory in all of your endeavors.
Cindy Winters is an expert in the field of time management and achieving balance in life. She is the owner of the Wheres My Guru Co. and has a website that deals exclusively with The Balanced Life

Article Source:

Self-Motivation Tips

By Hope Wilbanks

Are you feeling low on motivation these days? January often makes people feel tired and harried. Frustration begins to set in around the middle of the month, when people begin to realize that their goals may not be very compatible with how they're living. If you find yourself in this very position, here are some tips to help you get motivated again.


What often seems the silliest thing to do is precisely what you need to do to give yourself that boost of motivation you need. Stand in front of a mirror and talk to yourself. Tell yourself what you like about you. Practice some positive affirmations. There's no better source of motivation, than from yourself.


Many times helping others will in turn help you. Notice people around you. See someone who seems lost? Give them some encouraging words of wisdom and help get them motivated again. When you do, you'll feel a great sense of pride and will be motivated as well.


One of the best ways to give yourself a quick shot of motivation is to collect positive quotes that will inspire you. Buy a wire-bound index card notebook. Write down inspiring quotes as you find them in your notebook. Keep the note cards handy so when you're feeling down you can grab it and open it to find a quick dose of motivation.

Motivating yourself isn't difficult. It can be very simple, if you actively do it on a daily basis. Don't wait for someone else to come along and motivate you. Motivate yourself!

You can read more self-improvement tips just like this at

Article Source:

Monday, January 21, 2008

How to keep yourself motivated through life.

By Lily Woods

In life, there tend to be ups and downs. When you are down, you have to keep yourself motivated and bring yourself up again. Negative thoughts, if excessive may sometimes affect a person's self esteem. For example, you feel that you are not being acknowledged in the office and you get bored of working. This happens to almost anyone. Discouragement and lack of motivation will hinder you from focusing on your objective. Here are some methods I personally use to keep myself motivated, which I use over and over again.

Try having visual goals, something solid, and something material. Big dreams like owning a bigger house, a better car or a holiday of your dreams. Better still if you stick the picture of the house or car or holiday destination in your work station or cubicle. It keeps you sane under that tremendous work stress. When you have something to look forward to, the willpower will come naturally.

Do a to-do-list. It can be single item or many items, with or without expiry date. Researchers say that when tasks are easier accomplished when written down. It's like a contract with yourself and contracts are meant to be honored. Having a to-do-list posted on the fridge is so much more effective than just remembering it mentally. Start a list today.

Small rewards can make real big difference too. Tell your friends and family you have achieved some of your plans. I am sure they are more than willing to give you small praises and keep you motivated. You can also reward yourself when partially achieve one major task. For example, if you plan to lose 10kg, buy yourself a new dress when you lost 5kg. By doing so, you will look forward to losing the remaining 5kg.

The last method I would like to share is reading motivational books. Walk into a book store or search for an ebook online. Motivational books need not to be in the form of lectures or pure methodology. There are some in the form of real life examples. I find the latter more inspiring and encouraging. Reading about others' successes make me realized it sometimes achieving success is easier than you thought.

Lily Woods is an expert author in self esteem issues. Read more motivating and inspiring articles at her website

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Five Easy Steps to Staying Motivated

By Chris Sullivan

Every day of your life you are selling yourself, nothing happens until you're successful at doing that.

We're all in the selling business whether we like it or not. It doesn't matter whether you're a lawyer or an accountant, a manager or a politician, an engineer or a doctor.

We all spend a great deal of our time trying to persuade people to buy our product or service, accept our proposals or merely accept what we say. Before you get better at persuading or influencing other people - you need to get better at self-motivation and selling yourself.

Motivational experts get paid big bucks to tell professionals, striving for success, that they must constantly examine these factors. How do you do that? Follow the 5 tips that follow, and watch the changes.

1. Maintain a Positive Attitude – Let's realize that life is only 10% of what happens to us and 90% how we react to it. You are responsible for our own actions and attitudes, and altering them when needed. When you're around people/things that are uplifting and positive, you feel that way. You have more confidence in yourself, and know you can change whatever needs changing. If you can make your workplace such a place you'll find happier workers and higher production. You might even find your employees look forward to coming to work!

2. Everyone has problems, but they don't belong at work, so leave your personal troubles home. Turn your attention and energy entirely to your on-the-job tasks. This will actually be good for you because you'll get a mental break from your troubles.

3. Create Positive Affirmations - The reason for writing goals for your business is the same as creating positive affirmations on paper. What your eyes see and ears hear, your mind will believe. Try it! After you've written them down, read them aloud to yourself – and do it every morning when you get into work. You'll be amazed at what happens. Come up with a set of new ones every month. Statements such as, "I'm an important and valuable person," or "I know I'll make good use of my time today." Repeating them out loud everyday at a set time will help reinforce positive actions.

4. Make Sure Break Times Are Really Break Times - This is an area where most bosses/entrepreneurs fall down. You become so intense about the project or situation you're working on that you don't ease up. Thinking that it'll be solved in the next few seconds, and then you'll get a cup of coffee can lead you right up to quitting time. Regularly adhering to a specified break schedule, even if you're the boss, releases the tension. If you work on a computer this is even a greater problem because before you realize it – you've been working in that same position for hours. The best answer to this is to set yourself a reminder on your appointment calendar for every 2 hours, and let the computer reminder chime send you the alert to move around.

5. Exercise, Exercise, Exercise - I know that lately it seems that "exercise" is the cure-all to every physical ailment or your love life, but despite that there is some truth to that ugly word. I don't mean that you should go out and join a gym and spend your lunch-time, 3-days-a-week there working out by "exercising". Get up and walk around your desk or room, when the noises and distraction from your computer becomes obnoxious. Try going outside and get the mail and enjoy the sunlight (if you're an entrepreneur that has a home office), or just get up and take a deep breath. Tense and knotted muscles are the result of concentrated, tense thinking, typing or whatever your work. Then when we move we "ooh" and "ouch" because we've knotted up into a ball of tension. Periodic stretching, even at our desk, or just getting up and walking over to the window and getting a different view can help. One of the greatest disservice modern business décor has done to us, is making our offices pristine, sleek, unencumbered spaces. There is nothing more relaxing than getting up from your desk and walking over to a peaceful, serene, seascape or pastoral painting and just drinking it in visually. Momentarily transporting your mind out of work and into that place does wonders. A few good paintings and less shiny chrome in offices would benefit us all.

It only takes a little concentrated effort on our part to keep motivated and productive, which leads to success. I know you're going to hate hearing this, but it's true anyway – and that is, "WHEN LIFE GIVES YOUR LEMONS – MAKE LEMONADE!"

Copyright (c) 2007 Chris Sullivan

Here's how to generate all the leads you'll ever want for your network marketing business completely on autopilot and without talking to one single person. This is a breakthrough in network marketing as admitted by some of the industry's top recruiters. If you're not using these secrets then you are working too hard. If I can bank six-figures this year using these EXACT methods then this could be the break you've been looking for.

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By Martyn Carver

What drives you every day?

Do you set goals? or just coast through life making very few gains and never getting ahead?


What do you want? How are you going to get it? Will you know if you do get it?

In order to achieve anything in life you need to know what it is. It is THAT simple. Well, maybe it's easier put this way - If you don't set a goal, how will you know if you get there?

Jobs, relationships, exercise - you see it everywhere. People just coasting through life without any real idea what they are shooting for. These are the same people that are confused when their spouse leaves them, or they repeatedly get passed over for promotions. Or they do the same basic workout over and over and wonder why they never make any gains.

The definition of stupidity - Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results!

What always surprises me is that even people who think they have goals, really don't! Here's what I mean:

"Goal: I want to get stronger."

Sounds like a goal, but is it? What it really is - a vague target with not time line or call for action!

Here is another example: "I want to increase my 6 rep bench press by 15lbs in the next 2 weeks."

This is a goal you can work on. The specific goal can be incorporated into your routine. You can research how to increase your bench press and focus only on those exercises that help you meet your goal.

I usually like to break down my goals into 2 weeks, 3 months 1 year and 5 years and make it a mission statement.

For Example:

June 2002

2 weeks: Find a fight coach who will train me privately 3 months: Increase cardio : 10km run in 43 minutes 1 year: Be no more than 7lbs over fight weight and have 1 fight contract signed 5 years: compete in minimum of 3 professional fights

This was my actual goal chart. It was printed out and taped to my fridge. I read it every morning and updated it every month. I rotated in new 2 week and 3 month goals. Whether is was a new technique I wanted to learn, or a strength I wanted to build, I always knew what it was and when I wanted it by.

Apply this to all aspects of your life and you will find yourself achieving more that you ever thought possible!

Martyn Carver is webmaster of and and blogs at

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Sunday, January 20, 2008

Motivating Oneself For Sustained Peak Performance!

By Jeff Magee

"Nothing in this world is so good as usefulness. It binds your fellow creatures to you and you to them. It tends to the improvement of your own character and gives you a real importance in society much beyond what any artificial station can bestow." - B. C. Brodie

Motivating those on ones’ team for peak performance and sustained performance ability is essential to a healthy organization. At the same time, a leader must be always vigilant to remain energized and motivated them self, if the team they lead is to demonstrate similar traits and characteristics.

A mentor of mine once expressed the view that if organizations hired motivated people they would be able to spend less time focusing on how to motivate and reward employees.

While I agree in spirit to that statement, I do feel that the individuals sustained acts that are recognized and appreciated serve as on going fuel in ones’ gas tank of life. If one puts out energy without being replenished, one will ultimately burn out and crash!

Here are ten proven simple strategies for remaining energized and motivated in the work place as a managerial-leader. Consider:

Completion – psychology reveals that ones’ mind must see completion or accomplishment to energy expanded. If one works on project(s) and at the end of the day, nothing quantifiable is accomplished, it becomes harder and harder to sustain that same level, not mention an increased level, of commitment and enthusiasm toward the project. It is natural for the mind to divert energies toward other matters, when it does not see results. So, a simple, silly yet meaningful example would be to make sure that every day your schedule is loaded with something that you can look back upon at the end of the day as having accomplished, a this or a that!

Limit Exposure To People – limit the amount of time you spend around those people that are ‘takers’ and not ‘givers’ of energy. Engaging individuals that tend to be energy drainers, negative perspective oriented and toxic personalities are sure-fire ways of having energy drained from you. Have a strategy for engaging them that allows you to engage and escape quickly. As detailed in ENOUGH ALREADY: 50 Fast Ways To Deal With, Manage And Eliminate Negativity At Work And Home, I have found that by limiting your exposure to these types of people you will remain motivated and energized more often!

Limit Exposure To Things – limit the amount of time you spend on projects, activities, committees or things that are ‘takers’ and not ‘givers’ of energy. Participating in some of those ‘things’ that one does not always have to engage in, tend to be energy drainers of you. Have a strategy that will tell you when to engage, participate and when to bite ones’ tongue, shut up and or not even show up to the event! You will find that by limiting your exposure to these types of ‘things’ you will remain motivated and energized more often!

Don’t Volunteer – it is amazing to listen to your self talk as to those times when you feel abused, taken advantage of, not appreciated, etc. and realize that for a large percentage of the time this occurs when one has willing volunteered and subjected themselves to an event or group of people. This self-inflicted energy robbing experience can be greatly curtailed by reducing and sometimes eliminating ones’ willingness to place one in these scenarios! In his landmark book, You Don’t Have to Be Blind to See, Jim Stovall demonstrates repeatedly that the greatest obstacles to success and motivation are self- inflicted!

Personal Mission Statement Focus – individuals with defined self purpose as Stephen Covey called it in his best selling book, 7 Habits Of Highly Successful People, are in fact successful and live in greater self harmony because they gravitate toward those things and people that have connection with what they are about. This serves as a self fulfilling energy depositor!

Professional Mission Statement Focus – so too would hold true for truly effective professionals, they arrive in the work place with clarity of purpose that holds self- meaning and when engaged in actions that serve this purpose, they too seem to become more energized and thus motivated!

Master Mind Group – famed business man of the mid 1900’s Napoleon Hill in the classic book, Success Through A Positive Mental Attitude, called it ones’ personal board-of-directors, to surround yourself with like professionals that you can draw upon for open, candid and confidential input in times of high and low will be a powerful force personally. Your Master Mind Group will serve as a constant source of inspiration and motivation to you and your causes!

Other Person Focused – whether referred to as servant leadership or customer focused, when you understand what is held to be truly meaningful to the other person in the work place and you can assist them in attaining that, you will find them a more willing participant in your circles. This willingness feeds your energy and the two of you become more moved and motivated in your actions…energies are working together and not against one another!

Don’t Argue – without question, the fastest way to drain ones’ energy level, increase ones’ negative self talk and reduce forward momentum both in the now and contribute toward possible future obstacles, is to engage in an argument with another person in a professional environment. Just recognize in most arguments there are two critical questions: Who gets exhausted? Who gets energized? This will aid as a good guidepost toward future engagements for sustained enthusiasm!

Just Do It – as the mantra goes, so to do winners! Procrastination and the act of ‘excuse-it is’ can both hold one back from victory and victories serve as energy depositors, the act of waiting, holding back, putting off and just simple procrastination on those tasks, issues, etc. which one must address only serve to be powerful demotivators. It is like building a daily ‘to do list’ and putting the ugly task to last, it only serves to ruin an otherwise great day and will ensure that you go about that matter with only have your energy level … load that type of activity into the day after some thing great and before something great and even it will be done with great motivation. And as a leader, remember ‘model’ the behaviors they see exhibited from you!

Unlocking the door to ones passion points has a dramatic effect of becoming a never-ending waterfall from which one gains a flow of energy. It is from this flow of energy and that serves as the core source of ones’ energy creators that one will be able to sustain constant motivation. As a leader it is you that serves as the well from which the team comes for nurture and substance!

Jeff Magee, Ph.D., PDM, CSP, CMC is the publisher of Performance Magazine, and is also the podcast host/anchor of Performance Magazine Live, which offers FREE Podcasts by prominent business leaders! A well-known author and speaker, Dr. Magee can be reached at, toll free 1-877-90-MAGEE or for more information on keynotes, training seminars and skill development resources.

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The Secret: Discover how to get attraction or sowing and reaping working in your favor now

By Phil Barnao

Do you want to discover how to make attraction work in your favor so opportunities, relationships and momentum comes easily to you. ..So you can stop struggling and get on the path to your success today?

Let's first start by explaining what is attraction?

Attraction is really just the "new" term for sowing and reaping. When God formed the foundations of the earth he instilled some universal natural laws that we should understand. These laws work for ALL people.

For example "gravity" is one of them. I'm sure you would agree that everyone needs to pay attention to gravity...or face some pretty big accidents. Well attraction is no different, it's just not so obvious. So what is it?

To best sum this up I would have to use the quote "what you think about you bring about".

It doesn't matter if it's good thoughts or bad or if you want them or not. The truth is that your dominant thoughts are what you are attracting into your life this very minute. This is EXTREMELY important to understand!

You see this is relevant to everything in your life. It's applies to your relationships, finances, health etc. You name and attraction affects it.

Since like attracts like, the universal law responds by sending you back "answers" similar to the vibrations you're sending. The vibrations are created by your thoughts and more importantly your emotions.

This means whatever you're emotionalizing comes back to you in increase. The stronger that your emotions are the more powerful the vibration (or signal) sent out is. This makes the attraction stronger.

Again that can be good or bad dependent on what your dominant thoughts and emotions are.

Let's take a look at some Good Emotions...

Love, joy, happiness, peace, excitement, satisfaction, fulfillment, laughter, etc

And some Bad Emotions…

Hatred, anger, stress, frustration, dissatisfaction, turmoil, etc


Your thoughts backed (or "charged") with good emotions attract good opportunity into your life, and charged with bad emotions attract bad opportunity and situations.

Jesus said "whatever you ask for in prayer BELIEVE (charge with the emotion of faith) and you will receive.

If you don't believe you'll have a hard time getting your prayers answered. ...without Faith it is IMPOSSIBLE to please God. He will lead and guide you but it's up to you to "walk in faith" and use the universal laws to your advantage.

Some people work the law of attraction in a positive way without even realizing it. While others without realizing it work it in a negative way.

Do you want to know how you are doing with the law of attraction? Simply look at your life's results in all areas and that will tell you. If you're not happy you need to change your dominant thoughts and emotions.

HOW? Here are two great strategies to assist you in this…

STRATEGY #1 -Create a vision board. A vision board is an amazing way to supercharge your vision and the law of attraction at the same time. It really helps you visualize and more importantly "emotionalize" your future.

The first step is to get a large cork board and a lot of tacks. Start putting up pictures of your dreams and goals on it. Find pictures that support your ideal future and tack them on your dream board. Your ideal house, business, marriage, car, charity etc.

STRATEGY #2 – Use affirmations. Make a list of affirmations that also support your future ambitions. These are statements like…

"I am financially free and living my dreams" "Money flows quickly and easily to me" "Great opportunity is all around me to seize" "My marriage is awesome and rewarding" "I am healthy and full of vitality"

Once you have created these two strategies you should review and "emotionalize" them daily. It may sound a little bit crazy, but I assure you it's normal to success. The things that successful people do are CRAZY to ordinary people.

Just ask yourself…are you willing to get a little crazy to be prosperous, successful and living your dreams or are you content with ordinary and broke?
Ok, well we'll see allright...

ACTION STEP => Go make your affirmation list right now and have your dream board up by tomorrow ready for you to start putting pictures on it.
Much of this was excerpted from ? if you want to learn more.

God Bless.

There are many strategies to becoming successful, making more money and achieving your dreams but nothing makes more sense than doing so through your own business. Business is the quickest, easiest and most effective way to get ahead and live the lifestyle you desire and deserve. Nothing provides more leverage and freedom. Sign up right now for my newsletter to find out how to do exactly that – Go here:

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The Art of Motivation in 5 Steps

By Shannon Graham

Have you ever heard of the quote that says " Knowledge is power."? I think most of us have. Yet when it comes to motivation this oldie but a goodie does not seem to cut it. No matter how much information we seem to get on the topic it still seems to be a fleeting idea for most of us more than anything else. So what is the deal? Well it has to do with ownership rather than using tips and tricks, motivation is about making those ideals yours. Read the following steps and make a decision today to begin to own you're motivation.

1. Success and Fear

It seems to me that one of the largest issues that will hold people back in their pursuit of happiness is fear. To be more specific it is the fear of failure, let's face it no one wants to feel like a failure. So then why is it that some of us are willing to move toward that which may bring failure and some of us avoid it like the plague? It comes down to our evaluation of success and failure. Try looking at failure as a learning experience a way for you to gain more information and more power, and then be willing to take that new knowledge and power and use it in your next attempt. Think of it like narrowing down your options until all you are left with is success.

2. Forget the list

How familiar does this sound; it is New Years Eve and everyone is running around being jolly, stuffed with a little too much turkey and eggnog. You sit down at the end of the night and decided GAD NAB IT!! This is going to be the year that things change. So what do you do? You set a goal! Then because you read in some trashy magazine that you should make a list of all the benefits you're goal will bring, you do you make a list that is two miles long. The trouble tends to be that the list is made up of logical items. Human beings as much as we may not like to admit are not logical, we are emotional. The solution? When looking at the benefits make a great effort to only choose benefits that are extremely emotional. This will guarantee some extra fire in your engine!

3. Negative is not bad

When you are collecting your thoughts and stacking the deeply emotional benefits of your goal do not to forget to ad in the deeply emotional negative consequence that you will face if you do not go along with or stick to your goal. Having a strong and clear image and feeling of what might happen or what it might feel like to sacrifice your goal can be massively motivating. So get out there and think negative! (But do it with passion!)

4. The View from Above

Another habit we often carry with us that can keep us from our motivation is our vision. I am not talking about literal vision, rather our ability to see the future. It becomes extremely difficult if not impossible to become motivated if we do not have a crisp clear picture of what our life will be like once this goal is ours. We tend to be very moment oriented; don't you find this to be true? We generally are more interested in what will make us happy in this moment and not what will make us happy a week, a month, a year from now and sadly far too often we pay the price because of it. So use you're gift of imagination to paint a vivid picture of the future, and all the splendor that comes along with it, do not be content with the present and you're improvement will be never ending!

5. Act for the Sake of Action

There will be a time when you use all these tools and ideas, and even start to make them become a part of who you are and still will see your motivation shrinking. Now this is when you're personal power matters more than ever. It is at this moment when you are really making an effort to improve and you are on the edge of break through that your old lazy self will fight with all it's got to ensure things do not change. So what do you do? You do what any person who has something to fight for does; you fight back with all of your soul, all of your heart, and all of your might. When you feel like you just can not take another step or get out of that bed when the alarm goes off that is the exact moment whether you want to or not that you must act. You must trump you're your negative thoughts with positive action. Just do it, do not think just make your body do what you know it needs to. Do this and soon you will completely own your new habit and motivation will seep from your pores.

Keep in mind all great things take time. But if you are willing to use these steps and commit to owning them and not just using them then I can say with certainty that you're life will improve. Thanks for reading and always remember to live like a champion!

At only 25 years old Shannon Graham has helped hundreds of people across the nation reach higher levels of success and personal power. He has been involved in the self improvement field for over a decade. You can reach him at:

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Monday, January 14, 2008

Know your Dreams and Aspirations

By Lori Quaranta

Excerpted from The Midlife Woman; Reinventing Yourself in your Second Adulthood "If you want something you’ve never had, you have to do something you’ve never done. If you keep doing what you’re doing, you’ll keep getting what you’re getting." The first time that I heard this expression was at a very moving church service. It so inspired me that I wrote it on a paper and taped it on my bathroom mirror to read every day. Although you can apply these motivating words to any crossroad in your life, applying them to a midlife career change takes on an exciting dream/reality meaning.

Changing or beginning a career at midlife is very different from when we were younger. Most of us devoted the majority of our time in our twenties and thirties pleasing others, whether it was family, in our career or both. We compromised our work/life choices to support whatever the immediate needs were at the time. Unfortunately, most of us have ended up suppressing our own personal dreams and aspirations for the greater good and the daily grind.

Lauren was a single parent raising a son and had been on her own since her son was a toddler. She worked at any job she could to make ends meet when her son was young. She landed a position as an instructional assistant for special needs children at a local school and worked there for twenty-five years. Her profession was very stressful and sometimes dangerous, rendering a paycheck that was just enough for her to get by. She lived modestly and was an expert in managing her funds her entire working life (the kind of woman that could manage just fine without the bells and whistles), had all of her financial ducks in a row and decided that she would retire from her job at age 55.

Lauren’s vision for what she wanted to accomplish in her second adulthood hit her square in the face when she was watching the devastation of hurricane Katrina on television. It pained her to see the amount of people left homeless, losing everything and trying desperately to start their lives over. It made her realize there were many people in her own area equally in need. She began calling local soup kitchens to better understand the needs and wants of the homeless in her area. She started a nonprofit ministry named after her grandchildren to help fulfill the needs of the homeless and/or those trying to transition back into a better and more productive quality of life. She fills gift bags with personal hygiene, toiletry and feel-good items, along with hats she crochets. Each bag also includes a Bible. Basically, anything that will hopefully regain pride and self esteem to the recipient is part of the package. Lauren was finally afforded the opportunity to reinvent herself in her second adulthood by helping others and asking for nothing in return. Her compensation for all of her hard work was the knowledge that she was serving those who were less fortunate.

"As we reinvent ourselves we search for the right "brand" that will define us in a new life and career. In the past we may have defined ourselves by our relationships, like "wife, mother, supporter," "manager," or "computer programmer," or our many accomplishments. Midlife is the time to envision what is possible and go for it in a new and fearless way." Dr. Karen Otazo- Author of THE TRUTH ABOUT MANAGING YOUR CAREER and also THE TRUTH ABOUT BEING A LEADER

Midlife is a time when the focus is not so much on power and success, but on realizing your mortality and fulfilling a lifelong dream. This is a time where you can shed the pressures "By now I should be married," "I want to be rich and have a big house," and enter into "What’s really important to me now" and "I want to love what I do for as long as I’m able." Just because you have been a successful CEO for the past fifteen years doesn’t mean that it is something you love and have a passion to continue. Maybe you have always loved animals and want to open a pet shop or use the wisdom and knowledge you have developed over the years to coach others. There are also many women who have been stay-at-home-moms for most of their adult life and now want to do something that expresses who they are as an individual. Regardless of what your occupation has been up to this point, you have earned the right to make a change for yourself.

What jazzes you? Have you ever met someone and said to yourself, "I would love to do what they do for a living!" List out your dreams and aspirations, regardless of how silly they may seem. Also, list what you are good at that you love doing. You will find that this is the woman you are today; the woman who is now putting her needs and desires to the front of the line instead of lagging behind and going with the general flow of life.

See more at Lori Quaranta is an author and the owner of Consetta Creative Publicity which offers a unique suite of services to help small business owners leverage the internet to better promote themselves

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Tiger Woods and The Game of Life

By Judith Tramayne

Watching Tiger Woods when he plays in a tournament is awe inspiring. He seems to make every stroke look simple. Now I don't play golf and probably never will but I do like to watch the game.


Because it reminds me of the game of life. So I study it to see what I can learn from the players. And, what I've learned from watching Tiger is focus. When the camera is on him, look at his eyes. They don't waiver from his end result.

Even when he has an "impossible" shot — he takes his time, looks at it from all angles, decides on a solution, takes a few practice swings, steps up to the ball, looks out to where he "expects" the ball to land then hits the ball.

More often than not, the ball will land exactly where he wants and the "announcers" will say either — "it's a miracle, lucky or only from Tiger could that happen."

And I chuckle because they just don't get it.

It isn't a miracle, or lucky and the other golfers could do the same thing if they were as focused.

The next thing I noticed when Tiger is in his "zone" (winning mode) is his ability to be in the moment. There is no past, there is no future — just the moment of pure focus so the ball lands where he envisioned. These are the tournaments he always wins even if he is 9 strokes under going into the last day.

Now how does this affect your and my life? We aren't going to be pro golfers but we do have our own "dream" of how we want to live. And, if we follow Tiger's example and our focus never waivers on our end result, then the likelihood of winning what we desire is increased.

True, we might experience some challenges but if we look at all the options, decide on a course of action, take a few practice swings (sometimes people consider these failures), step up and do what's needed, then put it in action — with our focus on the end result — we strengthen our chances to win in this Game called "Life."

Judith Tramayne has been on the Internet for 10 years and her no cost "Search Engine Optimization Made EZ" is a must have ebook! Visit to pick up your copy. Or better yet, subscribe to her EZ EZine where she makes it EZ and fun to be on the Internet.

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Staying Motivated as a Test Taker

By Charles Wilson

Set goals for your Praxis II test taking preparation. Make a list of the topics you need to study for the Praxis exam. Get some Praxis study guide materials that will help you prepare, then review the materials and work with a study group if that will help you. It will also help to put your goals on a definite timeline so that you can measure if you are on track.

When setting your goals, divide your Praxis II study guide into manageable sections that you can absorb in the time you have to study them. If you’re already working in a group, then set a study schedule that will help to keep everyone accountable with their study habits.

Another key thing to do is take steps to stay on track by avoiding procrastination. Here are some things you can do.

1) Prepare yourself mentally for the challenge. Get some Praxis 2 study guides and start skimming the sections for the topics you’ll need to review.

2) Clear your mind by taking walks or doing physical exercise. Moving around gets the blood flowing and reduces that tired and exhausted feeling. When you find you’re getting tired, get up and move around!

3) Do something to keep your mind refreshed so you can get the most from your Praxis 2 study time. Consider studying a different section when you’re not as motivated in one section. If you find you’re losing focus studying your topic like math or social studies, consider switching your focus to studying multiple choice question strategies.

4) Study when you are the most alert and focused. This is a great time to review the Praxis II practice tests and any other material you need to cover. You’ll have the energy to give the study guides your full attention.

5) Take frequent mini-breaks to digest more information over the long haul. Your mind can only absorb so much information at one time. Factor in some time to process what you’ve learned.

When you begin to see the progress you’re making in your preparation, then you will be more encouraged to stick with your study plan. You’ll start feeling more confident and more empowered for success.

For more information and help on how to stay motivated as a test taker, visit

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Sunday, January 13, 2008

Motivation and Five Steps to Lasting Change

By Cathy Wilson

New Year's isn't a day different than any other. The New Year represents new beginnings, hope of things differently in our lives, and all of the possibilities that lie ahead for us. We reflect on our lives as they are today and project ahead to the changes we'd like to make. Changes can be made but the key to success and personal fulfillment is to make them long-lasting.

You've acknowledged your desire to make change or changes in your life. Now, think about a specific time when you felt driven to accomplish a goal and achieve success. What reasons motivated you? Why did you want to succeed? Why was the change important for you to make? Now that you have this in mind, feel that sense of empowerment. You can use this experience multiple times to create the motivation to make changes in your life. You can create the life you want to live with long-lasting changes.

Motivation can seem fleeting. It can come and go without notice. You seem to have it easily one moment and the next it seems to have disappeared. The good news for making lasting changes is that you control your motivation. Reaffirm your motivation every single day. By reaffirming your motivation daily, you renew the promise of change that you made to yourself. You brush your teeth and take a shower every day, right? Reaffirm your mental motivation daily as well.

You can replay the experiences of past successes as many times as you need to reaffirm your motivation. Play the video of you achieving past successes. Remember and relive those feelings of accomplishment and personal power. If you succeeded once, you can do it again. Yes, you can do it and you will. Success in making lasting changes is yours.

You need a plan to make changes that last. In creating your plan, here are five steps to lasting change. After each step, I've listed an example for your reference in making your own plan.

1. Identify an area(s) that you want to change. (I want to lose 20 pounds.)

2. Ask yourself three questions about each area:

a. Why do I want to make this change? (For my health, and to feel stronger and better about myself.)
b. Is it a good time to make this change? (YES!)

c. Do I have support to make this change? Identify your system of support. (Yes, my spouse or significant other, my best friend, my friends, my family, my coach.)

3. Select one or two things you will do to accomplish your change. One or two thing are the maximum. Remember, less is more so you don't get overwhelmed by trying to switch things in your life too abruptly. (To lose 20 pounds, I will: Eliminate simple sugar and refined carbs; Walk four days per week.)

4. Start slowly, making workable changes occurs in small steps. (I will replace fruit for the simple sugar and refined carbs food choices; I will start out walking three days per week for 20 minutes.)

5. Write down your reward system. (When I lose five pounds, I will download five new songs on my MP3 player to enjoy while I am walking.)

Write down your plan. Without a plan that is written down in a journal, in your computer, or a note posted on your refrigerator, your changes are merely a wish list. To put your plan in writing is the equivalent of planting flowers in soil.

Making changes requires personal commitment and motivation. There's no external hocus pocus magic. The magic exists in you. When your motivation lessens, review your plan. When you wrote your plan, remember why making this change is important to you. Renew your excitement and the enthusiasm you had when making your plan.

Look at the changes you want to make right now as an opportunity to grow and improve your life. Embrace change as another way you are growing in your self-improvement and personal growth. The changes you're planning for today will be the habits that are second-nature before you know it. Just by making your plan using the five steps and replaying past personal successes, you're already on your way!

Cathy Wilson is a weight loss life coach. Cathy lost 147 pounds six years ago. Her passion is helping clients achieve their weight loss and life goals. Cathy works with clients to create a weight loss life plan that is customized to each client. Cathy is a member of the International Coaching Federation, International Association of Coaches, and Obesity Action Coalition. Visit Cathy's website:

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The Secret: Discover how to get attraction or sowing and reaping working in your favor now

By Phil Barnao

Do you want to discover how to make attraction work in your favor so opportunities, relationships and momentum comes easily to you. ..So you can stop struggling and get on the path to your success today?

Let's first start by explaining what is attraction?

Attraction is really just the "new" term for sowing and reaping. When God formed the foundations of the earth he instilled some universal natural laws that we should understand. These laws work for ALL people.

For example "gravity" is one of them. I'm sure you would agree that everyone needs to pay attention to gravity...or face some pretty big accidents. Well attraction is no different, it's just not so obvious. So what is it?

To best sum this up I would have to use the quote "what you think about you bring about".

It doesn't matter if it's good thoughts or bad or if you want them or not. The truth is that your dominant thoughts are what you are attracting into your life this very minute. This is EXTREMELY important to understand!

You see this is relevant to everything in your life. It's applies to your relationships, finances, health etc. You name and attraction affects it.
Since like attracts like, the universal law responds by sending you back "answers" similar to the vibrations you're sending. The vibrations are created by your thoughts and more importantly your emotions.

This means whatever you're emotionalizing comes back to you in increase. The stronger that your emotions are the more powerful the vibration (or signal) sent out is. This makes the attraction stronger.

Again that can be good or bad dependent on what your dominant thoughts and emotions are.

Let's take a look at some Good Emotions...

Love, joy, happiness, peace, excitement, satisfaction, fulfillment, laughter, etc

And some Bad Emotions…

Hatred, anger, stress, frustration, dissatisfaction, turmoil, etc


Your thoughts backed (or "charged") with good emotions attract good opportunity into your life, and charged with bad emotions attract bad opportunity and situations.

Jesus said "whatever you ask for in prayer BELIEVE (charge with the emotion of faith) and you will receive.

If you don't believe you'll have a hard time getting your prayers answered. ...without Faith it is IMPOSSIBLE to please God. He will lead and guide you but it's up to you to "walk in faith" and use the universal laws to your advantage.

Some people work the law of attraction in a positive way without even realizing it. While others without realizing it work it in a negative way.

Do you want to know how you are doing with the law of attraction? Simply look at your life's results in all areas and that will tell you. If you're not happy you need to change your dominant thoughts and emotions.

HOW? Here are two great strategies to assist you in this…

STRATEGY #1 -Create a vision board. A vision board is an amazing way to supercharge your vision and the law of attraction at the same time. It really helps you visualize and more importantly "emotionalize" your future.

The first step is to get a large cork board and a lot of tacks. Start putting up pictures of your dreams and goals on it. Find pictures that support your ideal future and tack them on your dream board. Your ideal house, business, marriage, car, charity etc.

STRATEGY #2 – Use affirmations. Make a list of affirmations that also support your future ambitions. These are statements like…

"I am financially free and living my dreams" "Money flows quickly and easily to me" "Great opportunity is all around me to seize" "My marriage is awesome and rewarding" "I am healthy and full of vitality"

Once you have created these two strategies you should review and "emotionalize" them daily. It may sound a little bit crazy, but I assure you it's normal to success. The things that successful people do are CRAZY to ordinary people.

Just ask yourself…are you willing to get a little crazy to be prosperous, successful and living your dreams or are you content with ordinary and broke?
Ok, well we'll see allright...

ACTION STEP => Go make your affirmation list right now and have your dream board up by tomorrow ready for you to start putting pictures on it.
Much of this was excerpted from ™ if you want to learn more.

God Bless.

There are many strategies to becoming successful, making more money and achieving your dreams but nothing makes more sense than doing so through your own business. Business is the quickest, easiest and most effective way to get ahead and live the lifestyle you desire and deserve. Nothing provides more leverage and freedom. Sign up right now for my newsletter to find out how to do exactly that – Go here:

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7 Resolutions that Actually Work

By Tommy Newberry

A new year is upon us and you are at the beginning of a new chapter in your own life. I wanted to take this time to share with you seven resolutions that will help you take your entire life to a much higher level and truly honor the potential you were blessed with at birth. While this quest is, no doubt, a lifelong pursuit, it must start today with just one person-with you-as you take action on the ideas that I present here. By changing your choices, you will change your life. Your future, however, does not improve tomorrow. I have observed that the unhappiest people in the world seem to talk the most about what they intend to do tomorrow. This mind-set is not for you! Your future gets better now. Tomorrow changes today! Lets get started:

Resolution 1: Choose Success Success is not an accident! This is, without a doubt the single most important lesson you must grasp if you want to maximize your full potential and enjoy the fulfillment and success you were designed to enjoy in the year to come and the lifetime that will follow. Success occurs in the lives of specific people for specific reasons. It is not something that randomly happens to you; it is something that you make happen. This is exciting news! Whether you want to strengthen your family life, improve your career, deepen your faith, or take your physical energy to a whole new level, you can do it.

Do you fully understand the connection between your choices and the life you are living today? Do you believe that God wants you to succeed? Write down your personal definitions of success and mediocrity and start choosing success.

Resolution 2: Decide Who You Want to Become If you want your purpose in life to become a magnificent obsession, you must develop and constantly review your personal mission statement. A personal mission statement is a written articulation of your God-given potential-as God sees it. It expresses your unique purpose for living. Your personal mission statement encourages you to change in a deliberate, preconceived direction. The process of constructing the statement forces you to think seriously about the vital areas of your life and to clarify your long-term direction.

Have you given much thought to how the world could be different because of your particular life? Do you believe God had one specific thing in mind when he made you? Write your personal mission statement today so that you can achieve joy in 2008.

Resolution 3: Write Down Compelling Goals The very act of writing down and setting magnificent goals unlocks your creative powers, and the act of writing your goals is completely under your control. If you do not have specific measurable goals written down for each area of your life, and a plan for their accomplishment, then the odds are that success for you will be an accident. Cause and effect in your life will be unclear. Your future will be unpredictable, and your capacity to have an impact on the world with your unique talents and gifts will be severely diminished. You will passively accept a life by default rather than assertively choosing a life by design. This approach is not for you.
Brainstorm 150 life goals and put them down in writing. What are your top five goals right now? Act on them!

Resolution 4: Invest Your Time Wisely You can't make more time, only better choices. It has been said that four simple words characterize mediocrity most accurately: "I didn't have time." Neither you nor anyone else could have a more damaging excuse concerning success. When you tell someone that you didn't have time, you simply reinforce their perception of you as someone who can't be relied upon to get the job done. And when you tell yourself that you didn't have enough time, you undermine your inner credibility and fortify a self-image of underachievement and irresponsibility.

Do you sense that you are spending or investing most of your time? Calculate the cost of misusing just fifteen minutes a day over one year. Keep a record or time log to specifically track how you use your time. Commit today to investing your time wisely rather than wasting it.

Resolution 5: Get Out of Your Own Way Whatever you direct your mind to think about will ultimately be revealed for everyone to see. Among the most powerful influences on your character, personality, and attitude is what you say to yourself and believe. During every single moment of every day, you are talking yourself either into or out of success. By talking yourself into success, I mean talking yourself into being the champion God designed you to become. With every thought that races through your mind, you are constantly redefining yourself and your future. Your inner dialogue, or self-talk, can and must be effectively harnessed if you are to maximize your full potential.

Do you talk more about what you want or what you do not want? Make a conscious effort to align your self-talk with the person you are striving to become.

Resolution 6: Practice Positive Visualization "I visualized where I wanted to be, what kind of player I wanted to become. I knew exactly where I wanted to go, and I focused on getting there." -Michael Jordan

A subconscious programming technique even more powerful than positive self-talk is positive visualization - mentally picturing events or outcomes in your mind before they occur in physical reality. Positive results follow positive mental pictures.

Develop a visualization script for at least one of your most important goals. Start to surround yourself with visual reminders of your goals. You will be amazed by how visual images of victory and success help tame doubts, fears, and insecurities.

Resolution 7: Begin to Live a Maximum-Energy Lifestyle Boundless energy is not an accident. Individuals who experience a continuous, revitalizing flow of energy make different choices than those who consistently operate from an energy deficit. You can increase your return on energy and your return on life by becoming highly sensitive to the lifestyle choices you make.

Think about how long you would like to live healthfully and productively. Consider what current lifestyle choices do not support that longevity goal and begin to change those habits. Develop an effective system to manage stress.
Success Is Not an Accident Remember that Success Is Not an Accident. The size of your thinking determines the size of the result. If you want 2008 to be your best year ever, THINK HUGE!

TOMMY NEWBERRY is the author of several books, including the New York Times Bestseller, The 4:8 Principle: The Secret to a Joy-Filled Life and the highly popular, Success is Not an Accident. He is the founder and head coach of The 1% Club, an organization dedicated to helping entrepreneurs and their families maximize their full potential. He can be found on the web at

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Wednesday, January 9, 2008

How to Increase Student Learning Motivation

By Ray Andrew

There are times when students become very distracted and they don't want to pay attention or learn anything that the teacher says. I remember when I was at high school, most of the students didnt pay attention to anything unless there was a lesson at the end of the class.

A very important part of the teacher's work should be to motivate their students to pay attention and to learn the subject. You need to engage them in the topic, let them investigate, create, challenge, debate and contribute to the class.

If you want your students to learn, you need to find creative ways to create a genuine interest in the topic. It is not enough to give them a grade for a lesson, that is not enough motivation and the result will be that they will just study the necessary information to get a decent grade. But if you want them to really learn the topic, you need to create a genuine interest in the subject.

But how do you create interest in learning your subject? There are different ways, one is to reward them, like saying that the best students will receive extra points, however that is not always a good method. What you can do is let them make an investigation in groups and then challenge the ideas amongst each other in the classroom.

You can create live case studies of the subject they have to learn or tell them to create a live case study. When students apply what they are learning to real life examples, they will be much more interested and with the power of the internet there is a lot of great information that they can find.

Another way to create interest in learning is to visit places that encourage learning. For example, if you are teaching history, take them to a museum or let them go to the museum for an investigation. If you want them to learn about administration, tell them to go to an enterprise and interview an expert.

There are many other ways to use live case studies, but sometimes the best ideas will come form your own students, ask them what they would like to see in class or how would they like to learn the subject.

Do you want to learn different ways to motivate students and motivate your self under any circumstances, then visit: student motivation ideas at You can also read about: self image motivation

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Motivation Secrets - 2 Simple Steps To Staying Highly Motivated And Creative

By Dan Goodwin

However creative you have the potential to be, actually creating to that level you're capable of regularly is easier said than done.

Plus, the longer it's been since you last created regularly, the harder it seems to get back into any kind of routine and flow. Sometimes it feels like you may never create ANYTHING again, let alone creating the art that you're truly capable of.

So here are two simple steps to getting - and staying - highly motivated and creative that you can start using today:

1. Create what you want to create. One of the biggest mistakes we make as creative artists is to constantly strive to create what we feel we SHOULD be creating, in the way we feel we should be creating it.

Preconceptions we have about what artists should be like, how they should create, how easy or difficult creating should be, and how often we should create, all add up to a whole stack of barriers to creating freely.

Being a "slave to the shoulds" is a recipe for constant struggle and disappointment in your creative life. Even of you do manage to create, it's likely that you'll analyse and criticise everything you've created so intensely it'll feel like just an other in a long string of failures.

The way to start getting out of this negative cycle and regain a high level motivation is simply to create what you love, create what you long to create. What have you always wanted to create but avoided because you thought it would be too abstract or people wouldn't like it, or it might not work out right? Take the plunge and create what your heart desires you to create.

The more often you create what you want to create, how you want to create it, the more enjoyable it will be, and naturally, the higher your motivation to create further will be.

2. Chart your progress. Most of us already create far more, and far more regularly than we think we do. The problem is because we live with ourselves day in, day out, we lose objectivity and find it difficult to measure how creative we are.

To overcome this, a great technique is to have a Creative Landmarks chart to track your creative progress. Have a sheet of large paper pinned on your wall in a prominent place, and begin to list all your creative landmarks as they happen.

These don't have to be huge landmarks like finishing a novel or holding an exhibition of your photographs. Start small to encourage yourself. For example your first few landmarks may be "Got paints out for first time in 6 months", "Bought 3 new canvases", "Mixed up some new shades of blue for new painting project" and so on.

As you see your creative landmarks building, it inspires and motivates you to achieve more. Every month or two, spend a little time reviewing where you are now, compared with a couple of months ago, 6 months ago, a year ago. Having those steps and achievements you've made recorded will show you how creative you've been and motivate you onwards to new levels of creativity.

Start using this simple two step system in your creative life today, and in a matter of weeks you'll notice a great increase in your creativity as well as your motivation to create more of what you enjoy.
This is one of many ways to be more creative.

I invite you to take the next positive step to increase your creativity today by downloading your free copy of the powerful and practical "Explode Your Creativity!" Action Workbook at

From Creativity Coach Dan Goodwin

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