Monday, January 14, 2008

Staying Motivated as a Test Taker

By Charles Wilson

Set goals for your Praxis II test taking preparation. Make a list of the topics you need to study for the Praxis exam. Get some Praxis study guide materials that will help you prepare, then review the materials and work with a study group if that will help you. It will also help to put your goals on a definite timeline so that you can measure if you are on track.

When setting your goals, divide your Praxis II study guide into manageable sections that you can absorb in the time you have to study them. If you’re already working in a group, then set a study schedule that will help to keep everyone accountable with their study habits.

Another key thing to do is take steps to stay on track by avoiding procrastination. Here are some things you can do.

1) Prepare yourself mentally for the challenge. Get some Praxis 2 study guides and start skimming the sections for the topics you’ll need to review.

2) Clear your mind by taking walks or doing physical exercise. Moving around gets the blood flowing and reduces that tired and exhausted feeling. When you find you’re getting tired, get up and move around!

3) Do something to keep your mind refreshed so you can get the most from your Praxis 2 study time. Consider studying a different section when you’re not as motivated in one section. If you find you’re losing focus studying your topic like math or social studies, consider switching your focus to studying multiple choice question strategies.

4) Study when you are the most alert and focused. This is a great time to review the Praxis II practice tests and any other material you need to cover. You’ll have the energy to give the study guides your full attention.

5) Take frequent mini-breaks to digest more information over the long haul. Your mind can only absorb so much information at one time. Factor in some time to process what you’ve learned.

When you begin to see the progress you’re making in your preparation, then you will be more encouraged to stick with your study plan. You’ll start feeling more confident and more empowered for success.

For more information and help on how to stay motivated as a test taker, visit

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