Sunday, July 27, 2008

Be Beautiful - Make People Love You

By Yeo Teck Wei

"To be educated, a person doesn't have to know much or be informed, but he or she does have to have been exposed vulnerably to the transformative events of an engaged human life...One of the greatest problems of our time is that many are schooled but few are educated."

- Thomas Moore

An old, wise man once asked his disciples, which of the two was tougher, the teeth or the tongue. Without waiting for a reply the wise man replied it was the tongue, and opened his mouth for his disciples to witness the proof: There was no teeth left; only the tongue remained.

There are things in life we unconsciously take for granted, for example our parents' love, our spouse's commitment to us etc. Only when we lose it, do we then notice our loss and start to regret.

Life itself is unpredictable, but yet many fools spent their lifetime pursuing matters of transient value. Just as freedom is not free, life is not a right too; it is a privilege bestowed only on a lucky few.

Some people want to lead an extraordinary life. Ordinary life is too mundane, I crave for more excitement, they say. So used are humans in satisfying "I" that they tend to forget the feelings of their closed ones. But when a crisis strikes these people,

Who will fight for them?

Who will grieve for them?

Who will weep for them?

Alas, inevitably it is their closed ones who have been taken granted for so long.

Love, courage, compassion - These are the values that truly matter, but yet we don't work for it. It is as though people believed that they were entitled to love and concern ever since they were born. The truth is these people have not seen the true sufferings of life to know how hard life sometimes can be.

When loved ones leave us, they are not dead, for they will always be alive in our hearts. The biggest tragedy in life is not the loss of monetary wealth or health, but it is losing a loved one only when it is too late, for we will have no more chance to spend one more second with them.

Cherish what you have. Remember, a person who has truly matured is capable of thinking for other people than himself. That is the true beauty of life - How to overcome your own selfish needs, and help others instead.

The true meaning in life, is that through their actions and thoughts, people have proven to their loved ones they have finally been able to care for others, and thus the faith of love can continue to be passed down throughout mankind's history.

If a "good" life means one has to slog his guts out and spend all his time at work, then it is better to slow down the pace and lead an ordinary life, yet still able to help others at the same time.

The beauty of life should never be tainted by the stains of self-ego.

Be ordinary. Be beautiful.

"All my possessions for a moment of time."

- Queen Elizabeth

Article by Yeo Teck Wei, who is a freelance writer based in Singapore. Alll articles are usually written for the complete novice. For any comments or ideas, please email me @

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